June 10th

38 0 0

Dear Diary

Today was rainy so we couldn't go surfing, so we decided to have a gaming tournament. We all hopped on a Minecraft Survival world and made a deal that first to defeat the game wins. I ran off to get wood and built a simple 4 by 4 hut, with a bed, a furnace, a crafting table and two double chests. I then collected stone and went on to find a cave. I took my valuables with me. I found 27 iron and 43 coal. I made an iron chest plate and pants. ( - 15 ingots) , a shield (-5 ingots) a sword (- 2 ingots) , a bucket  (- 3 ingots) and shears. I then went on to find diamonds, eventually locating them in a cave 730 blocks away. I also collected enough obsidian to make a Nether Portal.  Back at base, I crafted a diamond sword and a diamond chest plate. I then went to the Nether, however I noticed I wasn't the first from a path of cobble leading to another portal. I spent ages searching and eventually had enough obsidian for gear and a sword. I then spent time grinding for ender pearls and blaze rods. Eventually I went back up to the surface and made 15 eyes of ender. I walked for about 1070 blocks before coming across the stronghold. I then went in and after 30 minutes of non-stop battle defeated the Ender Dragon. Tobi had been following me and as soon as he knew it was safe, he ducked in and took the Eleytra.

In the end though, I won, and that was what mattered.

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