June 25th

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Today we were wandering around in the Leaf. Itachi and Kisame split off. 

(Time skip to about 30 minutes later)

"Hey Deidara, do you think these clothes look cool?" I asked my best friend, modeling a black suit jacket with a white tee beneath and black flared pants with a pair of brown heels. He nodded approvingly and went into the changing room I had just left to try on his clothes. He came out after 2 minutes. He wore a pair of baby blue khaki shorts, and a pale white tee-shirt with a collar. I smiled, "Awesome!" Lets go buy the-" I was cut off by the sounds of screaming and crashing. I sighed. "Code Family Reunion (We have codes for different "emergency's, this one meant that Itachi and Sasuke had met up. We arrived to a scene of chaos. Buildings burned, a crater in the center of the destruction. Sasuke zipped around attacking Itachi. Itachi reached out and grabbed his arm. He pulled him down and used Tsukuyomi, sending him into his own world, a place of pain and trauma. Sasuke soon broke free. He pulled out a katana and knocked Itachi back, intending to kill him. Off to the side, Naruto was fighting Kisame, dodging his attacks with Samehada and throwing kunai at every which angle. Sakura was out cold on the floor with Deidara knocked out close by. 

Pain looked ready to attack, but Tobi caught my eye and restrained him. I zipped in, flying the unconscious to safety, then I dove down, my flight speed matching that of a Peregrine Falcon. I knocked Samehada out of Kisame's hands, then used it to disperse Naruto's chakra. I flew overhead and stole Sasuke's katana, then pulled Itachi up by the hand. I threw him to where Deidara and Sakura lay. I floated down as Kisame, Sasuke and Naruto looked around confused. I stood in the center and gave a slow clap. "Bravo, you twits. You just caused another months worth of re-building. You can't show even a HINT of self-restraint! I swear, YOU BAKA! Kisame, I will speak to you at home, and you boys, didn't you think about your own teammate, who was unconscious and in severe danger due to your careless fighting! Tch." I scolded the three. 

I knelt by Sakura's head, brushing her pink hair aside as I started to attempt to heal her. "Why should we let YOU near Sakura?" Sasuke growled. I sighed. "I may be a villain, but I have decency and care for others, unlike you lot." "Hn." the Uchiha replied. Once she seemed healthy, I hoisted Deidara over my shoulder, carrying Samehada in the other. I scowled. "Boys..."

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