June 7th

46 0 0

Dear Diary

I'm feeling sick today! You see, after the Akatsuki-lympics, I have worn myself out. Today Pain had to go away for a mission, meaning the idiots were in charge of taking care of me... Sheesh

Itachi made us bagels for breakfast and brought us all hot lemon, honey and ginger in bed. He gave us all a basket of sweets and soda as well to give us some energy. Orochimaru came back today. He brought some sticky date buns and ramen. Tobi ate Hidan's bun, so now Hidan is trying to sacrifice Tobi. Deidara is sitting in his room painting and Sasori is fixing his puppets. Kisame is living in his bathtub (with water in it) and Zetsu is sitting on the porch, basking in the sun. Its been pretty chill today. Kakuzu walked around in a mask all day, spraying up with disinfectant. 

Bye Diary.

(Wanna hear a joke?  

Can a ninja throw a star?


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