Part 9: A God Amongst Men

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Y/N's POV:

The day went as usual, with me just farming, training and trading. After awhile of looking after the horses Phil called me in for dinner. I was super nervous, because I decided that today would be the day I tell both Phil and Techno about me being a witch, and I decided to do it at dinner, but how was I going to tell them?

✨At dinner✨

"Soooo, I'm a witch." I said looking at both Techno and Phil in the eye's.
Techno started choking on the steak that he was busy chewing and Phil quickly spat out his drink, and helped Techno not choke to death- I mean how would that look?

The great Blood God chokes to death after surviving 1000's of war's and battles.

"wH-WhAt tHe FuCk!?" Techno asked while still choking on his food.

"Ummmm- well, remember when you first met me, I kinda disappeared and when we went to the nether and the ghast shot me but I wasn't hurt or scratched at all?"

"Yeah..." Techno said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well that is because I am a witch, well more specifically I am a white mage." I answered back.

"Wait- what!? A white mage!?" Phil questioned, shock evident in his face.

"What's that?" Techno asked looking at Phil for an answer.

"Well, a white mage is one of the oldest and most powerful types of witches out there, and they are mostly extinct.": Phil said looking back at me suspiciously. Techno had a look of pure shock on his face, then looked back at me for answers.

"Well- see most of the white mage's are extinct, but I was one of the few who actually survived." I answered.

"Survived what exactly?" Techno asked looking at me.

"They say, that the white Kingdom- where all the white Witches and mage's lived- was attacked by the dark Mage's- the evil kind of witches you usually find in swamps- and killed most of them making them go extinct." Phil answered.

"But- I thought white Mage's were supposedly the strongest?"

"True- but the dark Mage's had more allies on their side."
Phil answered.

"But I ended up surviving, but only because of my mother who helped me escape." I said.

"Wait- Y/N, what's your surname?" Phil asked looking at me.

"Why?" Techno asked looking at Phil.

"White mage's and witches are ranked through their surnames, If Y/N can tell me her surname I can tell how strong she really is."

"Why do you need to know how strong I am?"
I asked.

"Because I need to know if you could kill me and Techno in one shot or not."

"Still doesn't really explain why, but- if you must know it's L/N."

Phil's face went full on white with shock and his eyes went wide looking at me.

'It's really not that shocking-'

"What?" Techno asked looking Phil then back at me confused about why Phil looked so shocked and scared at the same time.

Phil was silent for a few minutes before bowing his head low- still sitting at the table.

Techno was absolutely confused at what was happening.

"No need for that, Phil, we're friends." I said chuckling a little.

Phil then lifted his head back up and apologized for not knowing earlier.

"It's fine- really, it's ok."

Phil nodded his head stiffly- eyes still wide is shock.

"Okay- what the fuck is up?"
Techno asked us both.

"The name L/N is only reserved for the strongest of them all, and there were only a set few who had the honour and privilege of being named part of the L/N family.

They were worshipped by everyone- even the most hostile of mobs had feared the L/N name and showed them nothing but respect- in fear of the family's wrath.

And if Y/N really is a pert of the L/N name, and the last one at that- then...

...she's basically a...

...God Amongst Men."

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