First Few Heists Always Gives You Butterflies (Part 1)

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March 1st 20XX

It was a day like any other in hell, well, for a thief who took a person's wallet with ease of course. Lupin ventures around in the Pride ring, most specifically the clock tower. Counting down, 305 days left, wonder why that's important for all to know. He had gotten around 205 dollars worth in cash. Meaning he has numerous wallets on him.

He had stopped over at a hardware store to get some materials for an electrician. He used the money he picked from people he picked-pocketed to buy the materials. When he gets the materials to his home, he ends up returning to the wallets he stole from people. He looks at the wallets to find the addresses they live in, he slides it down their mail slots or knocks on the door to them. He leaves before they notice he was there, one would imagine how to explain a person has their wallet.

He walks over back to his place, Lupin seems to be in deep thought on something. Mostly on the patch job he did at the complex, but in the back of his mind was on how he got to hell. But tries as he might, he draws a blank no matter what theories he can pull out. He rests his brain for the thinking and just focuses on walking back to the complex. As he walks on the sidewalk, he sees someone walking towards him. A slender male in a red suit with a cane that has a microphone on it, alongside of him, seems to be a one eyed child with red and orange hair.

 A slender male in a red suit with a cane that has a microphone on it, alongside of him, seems to be a one eyed child with red and orange hair

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Lupin stops and leans on a wall so that they can pass him. He only watches the slender man walking by, he saw that his eyes were that of red and smiles wide to show sharp teeth. Along with his ears being that of a deer, Lupin raises his brow in curiosity about him. The red man sees Lupin looking at him, their eyes meet, both show no need to rough up with each other. Lupin simply nodded to the man, as well as the man nodded back to Lupin. Both went on to where they are headed.

When Lupin makes it to his complex, he works on its electric system to be sure all is right. After about 3 hours of running checks and tuning up, the system shows all green on the board.

Betty: You really should expand on your skills Arsène.

She said behind Lupin.

Lupin: Now why would I do that?

Betty: When you first got here, saw we had a problem, took my hair pin.

Lupin: Sorry about that.

Betty: You'll pay for it later. To put it simple, you were able to patch up this blasted box much better than our usual electrician guy.

Lupin: Eh, I'm just a gentleman.

Betty: Pfft. Gentleman.

Lupin: Have I asked you on a date since that third 'no'?

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now