Dexterity To Strength, Hold the Charm

609 25 4

May 28th 20XX

Betty, the female imp at Lupin's complex, had been working late shifts; it seems it's a season of when Val's workers head over to entertain the long nights. The pig landlord has been doing small deals with them to earn some money on the side just so he could keep his building. She didn't complain however, well, when she herself had her fun with some of the workers herself. Part of her was remembering her times with one that had made her absent from her desk from a couple of days, she began to feel a bit hot and bothered from remembering the pleasures from Val's workers and wares. It was then interrupted when Lupin had landed loudly near the entrance to the complex, she was so startled that she nearly jumped out of her seat. Betty then see that Lupin is wearing a grey boxing hoodie with the sleaves torn off.

Lupin: Hey Betty.

Betty: Huffs and narrows her eyes. God dammit Lupin! Could've done your workout on ground level.

Lupin: Betty, I am a walking talking fur coat. I would be dead if I had done this on the ground.

Betty: ...Well, can't you find a better route?

Lupin: Coach's way or the highway, Plus, going rooftops is a lot more fun. He said with a chuckle and smile

Lupin then began to head back to his room, while at the same time he got his eyes over at a sinner that was leaving a room. 'Must be one of Val's workers' Lupin thought; a female sinner who retain some of her human features, hair dark blue color with pink color skin, along with neon blue body ink that glows in shadow. Her horns were the same color of the skin and they had rolled at the side, like that of a ram. Her legs and tail look as though they belong to hellborn imp, hooves and arrow headed tip. The clothing she wore was of an easy take off, from the top to her bottoms; her top was showing the bottom parts of a bikini wear.

Lupin had made a quick glance at the sinner and is about to-

???: Hey wolf boy.

Close, but no cigar

???: Comin from a work out?

Lupin: Turns with his hood off. I am, why?

Sinner: Sorry, it's just, I love a man who works out, I think of a certain way to help you cool down a bit.

Lupin: Approaches the sinner slowly. Oh?

The sinner notices the approach and gets ready for anything.

Sinner: An hour or two with me will make you cool off, just sitting back and enjoying the show.

Lupin then narrowed his eyes to focus on the sinner, he was giving off some presence that some intimidates the sinner, as if she was being seized just by him.

Lupin: I think that's a bad idea, lady.

Sinner: Oh, and why is that?

Lupin: Hm. Three things. First, I am tired and had a long week that has been kicking my tail in shape.

She then scoffs at the notion and rolls her eyes. 'This guy must be wussy if he can't handle a week of working out, let alone an hour with me' she thought. But then saw how close Lupin was when she looks at him, she soon took a step back when he got close.

Lupin: Second, should I take your offer, I fear I wouldn't relax and just enjoy. His tone begins to change. I wouldn't just watch; I would get into the action. And give our time its full attention.

Lupin had gotten closer to the Sinner, each step taken was the same for the sinner to step back, so far as to be up to a wall.

Sinner: Easy their hound, you can't touch me without paying up first.

Lupin: And there's the third, the price. Although.

As if by magic, Lupin had untied the bikini bra and had lifted in one swift motion. This made the sinner shocked and cover up, but Lupin didn't take his sight off her face. She saw this flare within Lupin that had captivated her.

Lupin: Maybe after 30 minutes in bed would be a chance to change your mind.

The sinner then sees how his words hold truth, at one point she felt like screaming but the other was allured by it.

Lupin: How much?

Sinner: F-Fourteen fifty an hour.

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(The face Lupin makes)

Lupin's presence and look quickly drops.

Lupin: And the third is now inevitable.

The woman was now befuddled as soon as Lupin reeled back from her, she was able to fix and tie her bra.

Lupin: Sorry to say but I don't have the money, so it's sad to say that I must decline your method of a 'cool down'.

He had said with his hands behind his head and still holding on the look before. This made the woman get furious, he had made the whole situation only to be a shot down as fast as cannon ball hitting the side of a wall. She had punched Lupin in the face and left in huff.

Lupin: OW!

Betty soon came around as soon the sinner had left from her view, along with her assets, Betty walked over to Lupin; crouching and holding his face.

Lupin: Damn, rubs his cheek. She got a good hook.

Betty: Why did you do that?

Lupin: I didn't have the money.

Betty: No, I mean, why did you play the asshole bit when you're a nice guy.

Lupin: Sighs and regains some composure. Two, maybe three things. One is that I can't afford any distractions. Coach would have my head.

Betty: Hm, the second thing?

Lupin: ...I may already have my eyes set on someone.

Betty: Oh, and who would that be? Me?

Lupin: Not really, I really don't want to mess up on what we have here already.

Betty smiles and gives Lupin a scratch under his chin, to which he responds with his tail wagging happily.

Betty: Well, hope that 'someone' knows how to treat you, or I'll kill them.

Lupin: Maybe, Now. Imma take a nice cold bath and sleep.

Betty: Bye Lupin.

Lupin: Bye Betty.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now