I'd Save My Friends. (Ch. 5 Epilog)

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Angel Dust, Cherri, and the IMP crew were hanging around in the commons area of Pentious's blimp. They had picked up Lupin some time ago, IMP and Pentious had gotten the whole story, how Pentious came in the nick of time with IMP coming down with their weapons, to give cover fire for Lupin. How Lupin was dealing with Alberto hand-to-hand combat, for some reason, Lupin was able to deal with someone who had six arms quite well. Lupin had Alberto's life in his hand, he was close to kill him, but instead he threw him aside for him to leave.

Nearly the whole lot of them began to rest up a bit, Angel went to find a place to smoke, along his way found Lupin who was smoking near an open window.

Nearly the whole lot of them began to rest up a bit, Angel went to find a place to smoke, along his way found Lupin who was smoking near an open window

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(Lupin smoke style.)

Angel: Hey Arsene, you smoke?

Lupin: His ears perked up and turns. Not really, I smoke when I'm either angry or sad. Turns back to the view.

Angel: "Sad?" What is it that you should be sad about, you survived-WE survived Mad Max with crime lords. Why should you be sad?

Lupin: ...y'know how a person kills and they don't forget it. Until a...certain point in their age, they do.

Angel: Yeah?

Lupin: Smokes a bit and exhales, his expression turns to a frown. Let me ask you another question; do you know what a photographic memory is?

Angel: Yeah, why does that-

Lupin: I remember everything.

Angel felt a bit confused, but sees a bit how serious Lupin is speaking.

Lupin: I remember how, in detail, a person dies by my hand. How I thought I had no choice, how it was meant to be, how the person just...Sighs. I don't enjoy killing, Angel. Not unless I have no-

Angel and Lupin: Choice.

Angel: I see. But you should know that a thief steals lives too. It comes with it.

Lupin: ...I try to avoid it, for I wish to not see their face...as I try to sleep.

Angel: Pulls out his cigarette. Well, let me tell you. If you still have a piece of you that still feels anything after that, hold onto that to what strength you have. Cause honestly, that's your best hope to keep your sanity. Besides, nudges Lupin. We need someone like you to keep us honest.

Lupin: Loses his cigarette from the nudge. Turns to Angel. Why?

Angel: So we can be honest with you.

Lupin smiles and even chuckles at the answer, he pulls out his own cigarette. Sees Angel offering him one.

Lupin: No offense to the makers of your favorite brand, but I choose my own.

Lupin has shown the brand called 'Coffin Styx'.

Angel: Scoffs. Where'd you get those?

Lupin: East district, one of my thieves gave me some when they recommended it for me, after I ran out of 'Ashen one'.

Angel: Oh that brand suck~s man.

Lupin: I'm realizing that, yeah.

They both laugh a bit, seeing how they've grown a bit closer. Angel then notices Lupin looking for a lighter, Angel lights his cigarette first then puts it up close to Lupin. Lupin looks at the flame and takes a moment before making his cigarette lit up.

Lupin: Thanks Dusty.

Angel: No problem.

They both smoked for a moment, enjoying the view of the East District below.

Lupin: Been meaning to ask, how did Cherri Bomb get the nickname 'Boomy'?

Angel: Oh my god, where to begin?

(A/N: Tune it next time for some shorts tales, don't know if some will be some funnies or some drama. So be ready for the next chapter.)

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now