IMP at Lupin's

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April 10th 20XX

After the day from the heist, Lupin had returned to his complex for a bit of R&R. The best way for him to relax at times is with a light reading, be it from his favorite author Maurice Leblanc, various books that extends his skills; technology, arctiature, art, science, and cooking; mainly anything he could get his hands on. His most interesting pastime is restoring some various antiques that were left to rust, from household items to cars. Though, not all of the complex have not seen a new car in the parking lot of the complex as of yet. Many speculate if his hobbies were just rumors or a way to be impressive, Lupin had let them believe what they wanted to believe, be it true or not, they let him be who he is.

Knock knock

Lupin: turns to the door. Now who can that be? Puts down the book and heads to it.

Lupin had taken a look at the peephole of his door, he saw Millie, Moxxie, Blitzo, and Loona. They all seem to have come by to visit Lupin. "The nine circles are they-" He thought. But was cut off when-

Blitzo: Hey Lupin, let us in before I burn this place to the-

Lupin: Opens the door in a rush. Ease up, jeez. Come in.

The four of them begin to enter in, Lupin looks behind them.

Lupin: I would be getting an earful from Betty or the Landlord about a group who wants to burn down the complex.

Loona: It's a shit hole.

Lupin: Well, it's enough for some.

The four start to take a look at Lupin's place, Millie and Moxxie have found some seating to be at the couch; Loona and Blitzo were scanning the place.

Blitzo: At the bookshelf. Lucifer's cane, how many books can one person have?

Lupin: Turns to Blitzo. One can learn much when one needs to blend in on many occasions.

Blitzo: ...any on stripping?

Moxxie: Sir!

Blitzo: What? He said 'many occasions'. I assumed-

Lupin: Don't think so, but Angel Dust would be a great source to tell me for such information.

Loona: The pornstar?

Lupin: The very same.

Millie: You know the pornstar?

Lupin: Yeah, I-Stops in his words with a blank stare.

Blitzo: ...What is it?

Lupin turns to the door with his eyes still holding in that blank stare, then narrows then down with cautious look.

Lupin: Moxxie, got a spare knife on you?

Moxxie turns to Milie and so does she to Moxxie, both holding such curiosity to why he had asked.

Moxxie: Turns to Lupin. Yeah, why?

Lupin: Could I borrow that for a second?

Moxxie: Why?

Lupin: Sighs. I get a little bit of theft for my tarts and many other pastries.

Millie: You bake?

Moxxie: Oh, never told you about that? Pull out a sheathed knife.

Moxxie begins to explain various tales upon the exploits that he and Lupin had traveled in their time in the human world, while Lupin had taken the knife. How he was able to cook very well with many ingredients, be it low or high quality supplies within their packs. Lupin then comes back to the table with a red jelly tart.

Lupin: Now come one and all, for my famous jelly tarts. The tea and coffee will be ready shortly.

Blitzo: When did you-

Lupin: I am prepared for having guests, since some will either want to talk calmly with me, or if they just want to have to eat some of my baked goods.

Loona and Blitzo were exchanging looks cautious with each other, Millie and Moxxie had come over to the table and were ready to have their share of their tart. Lupin had already cutted the four pieces for the crew, when the coffee was done, he had come back to the kettles that were done being boiled.

Lupin: To the crew. Who wants coffee and or tea?

When the crew made their choice and took their first bite, an explosion of taste had sent them to a raspberry taste that is mixed with a cream and walnut to add in a satisfying crunch that many were surprised to even have processed. And the chocolate base that combs over the entire tart that makes it the pièce de résistance. Millie and Moxxie were showing the expression without any attempts to hide it. Loona and Blitzo were trying, but they're close to the verge of falling for the whole taste explosion that they'd not have in much of their lifetime. They look to see Lupin reading a book he had put away, but near him was the knife given to him by Moxxie.

"The fuck is going to do with that damn knife." Blitzo thought, trying to keep his mind occupied from the taste. He's trying to keep his wit about him around Lupin, but then much quickly changed when Lupin swiftly threw the knife behind him at the wall to the kitchen. All turned to see a skinny lizard sinner going for the fridge, and at the hair close to his head was the knife thrown by Lupin. "Shit, hound can throw a damn knife." Blitzo thought, seeing how close the knife was.

Lupin: Without looking. Tony, se lo prometo a mi horno, si vienes a escondidas a mi casa a por mis tartas sin preguntar, ¡te voy a dejar sin botas!

From halfway through the yelling, they saw the sinner rushing out the window from the kitchen to the outside of the complex. Blitzo, Loona, Millie and Moxxie, saw how quickly Lupin was getting angry as he spoke, so differently on how he was so calm and mannered when he talked to people, but now...he seems so open to his emotions.

Lupin: Sorry. Without my coat...I am more free to myself than I was.

Loona: So~ what? It's like a...collar to you?

Lupin: Yes, both mentally and physically...It helps me hold onto the line.

Blitzo: The line? What happens if you pass that line?

Lupin: ...I hope we never see that day that I do.

They all then saw a look where it was a moment, that Lupin showed concern upon himself. One that Moxxie knew too well. An hour had passed and the group saw how he put the thought behind him when he gave the pastries to his neighbors in the complex. How he could be angry for a moment to be back into a nice hellhound that they suspect to meet in the first place. Showing that smile again seems to give a warm feeling to Moxxie and Millie, but Blitzo and Loona were cautious around Lupin. To be fair, him getting angry over a little theft of taking some jelly tart might have been a little much.

Lupin: Again sorry for temper, Tony is an energetic wiry lizard sinner. Ever since I showed up and restored a few things, he just...Chuckles. The man just comes in without asking.

Moxxie: That, I know the feeling.

Blitzo: Really?

Moxxie slowly turns to Blitzo, remembering all the times Blitzo stalked Millie and Moxxie.

Loona: Well, your rage was the highlight of this day. We really came to talk to you to talk about the merger.

Lupin: Oh?

Blitzo: Later, this day was better, plus, got me a few laughs.

Lupin: How so?

Blitzo: You're gonna learn to dance like a stripper.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now