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It's the one thing that makes me happy enough to smile at all the people who love and support us. We just left Scranton, Pennsylvania for our yearly touring. Most of the time our bus is packed with people and different suitcases but we upgraded and now we have a bigger bus. I go back into my bunk and pull out a picture of my daughter. She was such a blast to have on tour. The bands we would tour with love her. Some still check up on me and ask how i'm doing. I feel little arms wrap around my waist, and a kiss placed on my lower back. I turn around and hug Ricky, kissing his forhead.

I put the picture back on my shelf and reach for my phone. I pick it up and see someone called me. I call them back and hear a male voice,
"Hello? Mr. Cerulli? I have Olivia. She's safe with me and she's currently sleeping."

Holy Shit, he has her.

"Thank you so much Vinnie. I knew you could find her and keep her safe. I'll be there in a couple hours."



I walk into the bunk room, seeing Chris standing looking at a picture. I walk over to him, hug him from behind and kiss his back. It sucks that he's so much taller than me.
He turns around and hugs me, he kisses my forehead and picks up his phone. I look at his while he's talking, wondering what is happening. He hangs up the phone and looks down at me, "Baby, go get dressed. We're picking liv up." He says to me. No words were said from me I just followed what he said. Olivia is safe.. and I get to see my best friend again.

I get into the car with Chris and take a deep breath "Where is she?" Chris looks over at me "A few hours away from here. Text the guys and tell them." I nod and text the guys. They all seem very excited to see her again, I am too.

We pull into this parking lot with another car in it. I see Chris start pulling his phone out of his pocket and calls a random number. I look out the passenger window and see her.
"Chris you dumb fuck she's right there!" I yell. I see him hang up the phone. She's home.


Travel Time- Vinnie Hacker/Motionless In White Where stories live. Discover now