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"You going to be okay. Okay? She'll love you no matter what. I know it's scary but you got this." Chris said to me with both of his hand on my shoulders. I take a deep breath and hear someone walking over.


Chris moves out of the way and Olivia runs to me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I catch her, with my hands under her thighs. She cries into my neck and I tell her to hang on. She tightens her grip on me and I put my hand on her head. She puts her feet back on the ground but still hugging me around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. "Hi beautiful." I say In her ear "Hi handsome." We both smile and pull away. I put my hand on her cheek and rub my thumb back and forth.

She leans her head into my hand and closes her eyes. I smile down at her and pull her back into a hug. We just stand there for a while, just hugging each other. I haven't seen my girl in forever. I'm just happy I have her back. Chris looks at me and gives me a light smile and a thumbs up. I smile back and kiss Olivia's forehead. She brings her head out of my chest and looks at me. I put my hand on her waist and the other on the side of her neck. "Olivia Grace, will you be my girlfriend?"

She looks up at me with shock but then with a smile and says "Of course I will." I lean down and kiss her on the lips. She smiles into the kiss and pulls me closer. I pull away and whisper in her ear "we can't do it right now baby, we can do it later but we have to be patient okay?" She nods her head and looks up at me. "is that why you were in a different room this morning?" I laugh and say yes. She giggles and turns around to see all the guys looking at them "Jeez guys take a picture it will last longer." Everyone laughs including me. Chris walks over and hugs Olivia, whispering something in her ear that I couldn't make out.


"Nows the time liv" Chris whispers in my ear "Now..?" He nods his head and I look back at Vinnie "One sec love i'll be back." He nods his head and I run to the bus and start searching under my bunk for it. Vinnie has always wanted to go to a foreign country but never has the time to. I got him plane tickets to go to Scotland with me. I find the envelope with the tickets in it and walk out of the bus. I make my way over to Vinnie with the envelope behind my back. He looks at me confused and i kiss his cheek. I smile before i start talking "Vin, i know you've wanted to go somewhere foreign, and you haven't had the time. Sooooo.. Here." I hand him the envelope and he looks at me with a smile. "Liv no you didn't." "What!?" i said while looking at his smile. "Open it!" i said "Okay okay i'm going missy."

Vinnie opens the envelope and sees the tickets. He smiles and he picks me up from my waist and hugs me "I fucking love you so much." i laugh and say i love you back.

Vinnie puts me down and kisses my lips. He leans down and whispers in my ear with a smirk "we're going to my hotel tonight baby." i blush and kiss his cheek "okay mr bossy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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