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-5 months later-


It has felt like so long ago I met my dad. And left Vinnie. I miss him so much, I wish I had the money to just go to him and be with him. Over the last few months me and the guys have gotten close. I keep my ground with the other guys my dad is touring with because I don't let people walk all over me. I look over to my side and see my phone lighting up and multiple texts from Vinnie. Me and him have gotten super SUPER close since that phone call the first night I was with my dad and his band. I open my phone and sit up to read the messages

"Good Morning sweetie!"
"I hope you slept well"
"Text me when you wake up okay? No rush;)"
"I love you so much Olivia"

"Good Morning baby:)"
"I slept okay for sleeping in a bunk. How did you sleep?"
"I love you :)"

I didn't get a text back but I got a FaceTime call from Vinnie which brought a smile to my face. I answered and Vinnie's face lit up my screen. Him being shirtless with messy hair and a morning voice was a WAYYY to make your girl EXCITED.

"Hi beautiful" he says to me with a huge smile on his face. "His handsome, how are you?" "I'm doing okay love, how are you?" "I'm really tired, it's not easy sleeping in a small bed." He looks at me with a cute smile and rolls over on his stomach. I notice that he's not in his room. I look at him confused and he looks at me "what's up baby?" "Where are you?" "It's a surprise hun. You'll figure it out eventually." I nod my head and yawn. Vinnie laughs and yawns himself. The curtain of my bunk get pulled back and Chris is standing there with a water bottle and brown bag "Hey, Good morning, hey Vinnie. Here's a bagel that I know you'll like and here's a water for your headache okay? Me and the guys are going to meet up at the stage. Just please try to be there before 4:30 okay? I love you, I'll see you soon." Chris puts the bag and the water bottle on my bed and kisses my head. I set my phone up and open the water. "You didn't tell me you had a headache lovey. Are you okay? What happened?" "Yeah I'm okay. I hit my head really hard last night on an equipment box and now I have a huge bruise on the back of my head. Chris keeps checking it to make sure it doesn't get any darker or bigger in size." Vinnie looks at me and frowns. I take a bite of the bagel and it slapped so hard I started to wave my arms around and dance where I'm sitting. Vinnie laughs at me and says to me "I love you so much you know that?" I giggle and swallow my bagel. "Of course I do. I love you so much."

-A few hours later-

I walk out of the bus and down to the stage where I have heard the bands practicing for HOURS. I see my dad walking off the stage and he spots me and waves me over. He smiles at me and I walk over to him "Hey misfit." "Hey dad. Whatcha guys been up to other than singing your hearts out?" He laughs and walks me over to the stage. I walk on stage and sit by the edge with my feet dangling off the side. Ricky sits neck to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "You'll be okay kid, there's all of us to keep you safe okay?" I nod my head and Chris calls my name. I flip my head around to see him talking to someone, almost like he's consoling them. Ricky helps me up and I walk over to my dad.

There's no way..


Travel Time- Vinnie Hacker/Motionless In White Where stories live. Discover now