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Vinnie and I have been sitting in his car for maybe about 2 hours after everything had just happened. I still can't believe that we kissed. I look over at him and just take in all of his physical features. His dirty blonde, curly hair, his perfect plump lips, his beautiful eyes. Just everything about him is perfect. He looks at me and smiles. He puts his hand on my thigh and runs his thumb back and forth.

I see a car pull up and park right next to us. i look at Vinnie "Is that them?" He nods his head and I grab his hand and hold it. I reach over and kiss his cheek "Please Vinnie, come with me?"

I open the door and walk over to two people, one was way wayyyy taller than the other one. I study the taller one and notice something that no one else would know other than people really close to him. Something that I would only know. A heart shaped tattoo on his neck, with the letters OGC. Olivia Grace Cerulli. That's me. That MY dad.

"Oh my god." I whisper.
I look over at Vinnie and he nods "that's him Livy." I run to him and hug his waist. "I missed you misfit" my dad whispers. I smile and let go of him. He looks down at me and brings me into another hug. I smile and hug him for longer than I intended. I let go and back away to see Ricky.

He looks at me with a smile and motions me to come to him. He puts his arms around me and kisses the side of my head. We stand there for a while before I pull away. I turn around to look a Vinnie who is leaning against his car. He smiles at me and waves. I look back at Chris and Ricky "Can you guys give me a few minutes?" they both nod and I walk over to Vinnie and hug him with my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.

I feel a kiss on my cheek and vinnie tightens his arms around me "Please don't forget about me while you're with them."  I lean my head on his "Never would I forget the person who saved me." Vinnie hugs me tighter and kisses my cheek again "I love you Olivia. Never forget that." I smile and pull slightly away from his arms. I look into his eyes "I love you Vinnie. I always have and I always will." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

I lean in and kiss his lips and I hear a small sigh come from his lips and he pulls my hips closer to his. I pull away and whisper to him "We can't do anything more than this hun." Vinnie smiles and says "Next time. Next time I see you?" I chuckle and shrug my shoulder "Maybe hun, but that won't be for awhile okay? I know it's going to be hard but we can do it." He smiles and gives me a tight hug while whispering in my ear. "Call me when you get home safely okay?" I nod and kiss him one more time but for longer.

I pull away and I start walking away with tears threatening to fall. I look back at him and wave. He smiles sadly and waves back. I never wanted to say goodbye to him. I hope i can see him soon.


Travel Time- Vinnie Hacker/Motionless In White Where stories live. Discover now