Wrong Foot Romance

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The banging, hammering and drilling startled you as you slept. It was to early for this shit. You had to get some sleep.

Going outside you saw two guys working on your roof. One on a ladder and one on the roof.

"Hey! Hey!"? You screamed over the tools.

"Hmmm"? The one on the ladder answered first and got the attention of the one on the roof.

"Well, hello ma'am". He tipped his Dutton camo baseball hat.

"What the hell are you two doing"? You asked crossing your arms over your chest. You were wearing a white wife beater and a pair of skimpy sleep shorts. Not knowing you would be interrupted by two guys you would have dressed better.

"Fixing the roof". The one on the roof dumbly spoke.

"No shit, sherlock. But why are you doing it now. I told John not until I left for work"? You didnt mean for it to come out as a whine but it did.

"We fix it now, we can be done by lunch time". The shy cocky one said on the roof.

"You're not one of the Dutton kids ,are ya"?

"Yeah, Kayce, ma'am".

"Well, Kayce, have you ever been hit in the balls by a girl before"?

"No, ma'am". Kayce and his friend chuckled sarcastically.

"Cut it out or you'll find out. The both of you".

"Daddy said to get it done. We have other things to take care of". Kayce groaned, pushing the guy down the ladder as he went to get down.

"Do you ever want to be a daddy, Kayce"?

"Some day, yes".

"Then I suggest you cut it out and go home. Do this some other time. I need sleep".

"If you didnt drink and whore yourself out, you wouldn't be tired". Kayce boldly spoke. Even the guy behind him, backed up with his hands raised.

"You're daddy know you talk like that to women? Cause if he did I bet he would beat you senseless".

"Not if it's the truth". He spoke looking you up and down.

You sucked on your bottom lip and nodded your head. "Right. Tell John that I dont need anything from him. Get your shit and get off my property".

Kayce sighed and grabbed his stuff, the other guy was halfway to the truck by now and sleep was not even in your vocabulary now that your blood was boiling.

As Kayce got back to the ranch, his father was waiting for him.

"Get your chores done"? John asked his son.

"Mostly, we went to work on the house up the road and she told us to get lost".

"That was the last thing on your list. Why did you go there during the day"?

"You didnt say not to do that now". Kayce argued back.

"Y/N, probably just got home. She's a er nurse. Working longer that your dick, boy. What did she say"?

"She doesnt want anything from John Dutton".

"You screwed up, Kayce. Make it right". John pointed to Kayce and walked off just as his phone rang.

John walked up on the porch just to walk back down to Kayce. "You called her a whore"? John slapped the back of Kayces head.

"Ow, what was that for"? Kayce grabbed the back of his neck.

"I raised you better than that. You dont talk to women like that. She helped us out a lot with Rip. She didnt ask any questions when we asked her to pull a bullet for him. She just did it and didnt say a word. We owe her. Now go unfuck it up". John huffed at his son. He was very disappointed.

Kayce growled and kicked the dirt. He did not want to go back to your house. But he did as his daddy told him and gathered his tools and headed your way. 

You had just finished packing your dinner for tonight's shift. Sleep still didnt hit your eyes after Kayce and his friend left.  So you were in rare form.

Hearing the diesel truck pull into your driveway.

"What the - "? You shook your head and headed outside.

"Didnt you get the message from this morning"? You asked with your hands on your hips.

"I was ordered to finish what needs to be done. If you dont like it take it up with John". Kayce placed his ladder one the house.

"I saved your guy. Its what I do. I don't need special favors because of it".

"We take care of the ones that take care of us.. without question". Kayce said going up the ladder. You nicely held it as he went up.

"Wheres your friend"?

"Ryan, he had other things to do".

"Okay, but you do know that its dangerous for someone to work on a roof alone. Many things could happen". You tell him going up the ladder and poking your head up.

"You're here".

"True. But I dont know what I'm doing".

"Just hold the ladder and if I fall take me to the hospital". Kayce chuckled as he started hammering the nail. Then he stopped.

"I'm sorry about this morning. I shouldn't have said that about you. My father didnt raise me that way".

"It's okay".

"No, it isn't. I shouldnt judge".

"You wanna make it up to me"? You asked with a smirk.

"Sure"? Kayce tilted his head confused.

"Can you build me a greenhouse"?

"Oh, yeah sure". Kayce said somewhat relieved.

"What did you think I was going to ask"?


"Hey, that isn't off the table. You're not to bad looking". You bit your lip and headed down the ladder.

Kayce scooted to the edge of the roof, hanging his head over. His long hair dangling in his face. "You think I'm cute"?

"In a dorky, asshole kinda way. Which works for you".

"Gee, thanks". Kayce rolled his eyes, pulling his head up but a happy grin formed on his face. This might be the beginning of something that started off on the wrong foot.

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