Chapter 8: He's changed

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Hello everybody sorry I haven't been updating this story I just haven't had the motivation to. 🙃


As Tommy sat outside dream, tubbo, fundy,ranboo, and quackity were talking inside.

"This is outrageous Tommy should be able to live freely in the country he help to build dream!" Fundy shouted. Dream stood there angry. "Dream I'm not throwing my friend out again,if you think that your sorely mistaken." Tubbo said while dream clenched his fists. "Fine if you want this country to go down because of one useless boy then be my guest!" Dream shouted as he walked out passing Tommy as he saw him give him a grin.

The others walked out and stood infront of Tommy. "Well Tommy dream may start another war but its worth it If I get my friend with me."tubbo said reaching out his hand to pull Tommy up from his chair he was sitting at.

Tommy ignored him,getting up on his own.

He didn't need him, he didn't need anybody but his brothers and clearly tubbo wasn't that.

Tubbo just stood there not wanting to make a scene about it. It wasn't a big deal. Tommy started walking away and everyone was silent. The others were walking behind Tommy. "He's probably just tired tubbo."
Ranboo whispered trying to reassure the smaller boy.

As they were walking behind him the silence was broken by the former exiled boy "Could you guys stop following me,it's getting annoying and I want to be alone right now, thanks. Tommy said as he continued walking back to his old house. While the others stood there in shock.

Tubbo started to tear up as he fell to his knees. He knew the old Tommy would have been joking around and being super excited to be with his friends. But he wasn't?

"He hates me." Tubbo said sobbing as ranboo was trying his best to confort the boy and reassure him that Tommy just wasn't feeling good. "Tubbo that's just not true, we can talk to him tomorrow and you'll see him back to his old self. he's just tired. okay?"

"Okay" tubbo said getting up and started walking away with the others.

Quackity looked back to see the other boy walking away slowly. He frowned hopefully ranboo is right and he is "just tired" or he's changed. People change. It happened to Wilbur why not Tommy. Quackity felt guilty thinking that so he just shook it off and walked in silence. With the others.

~Back with dream~

Who does he think he is! I'm in charge. What I say goes. That child shouldn't be here he's supposed to be DEAD. Dream said as he was waking through the forest to were Wilbur had been 'hiding'.

(Dream doesn't know Wilbur has been going to techno's place)

Wilbur had been outside fixing up some things to his 'home' to make it believable.

"Well hello dream" Wilbur said with his backed turned.

"Hey Wilbur" Dream said walking up to him. " your brother is alive." Wilbur had to act shocked. "And I need you to kill him"
Wilbur turned back around trying to hide his anger.

"Well if that's what you want then I guess that what I have to do it Wilbur said with a grin." Dream was smiling. "Glad to see were on the same pa-". With that Wilbur heard a thud as he turned around.

"Hey tom!!" He said with excitement.
As Tommy stood there with an insane look holding a shovel he used to knock out dream.

"Hey will, glad to see you did what I asked." Tommy said as a smile grew on his face tying up dream before he woke up.

"Now that that's done I'm heading back to l'manburg before people get worried. I would probably lock dream up before he wakes up." Tommy said walking away.

"Will do" Wilbur shouted as Tommy was already pretty far.

Tommy walked away with a smile on his face. "Everything I going to plan."

~673 words~
Hya yall

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