The car ride to the restaurant was over an hour long...meaning I had to spend it listening to my sister talk to Dominic as her boyfriend. Saying it sucked would be an understatement.
"Can we listen to music or something?" I grumbled, looking out the window so if one of them turned to look at me I didn't have to make eye contact.
"You have a phone and ear buds." Kara stated flatly, her face buried in her own phone.
"Why would I bring earbuds to my birthday dinner? I snapped, flicking my eyes up to the rear view mirror to see that Dominic was giving me a warning look. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he would see. "Plus I don't understand why we're driving over an hour for dinner, there were plenty of places in town. Dinner doesn't have to be fancy for me to enjoy it." I informed with a hint of attitude laced in my voice.
Kara tilted her head back in her seat and put down her phone. Shit, this isn't going to be good...
"Vera, do you hear yourself? You're complaining that your birthday dinner is too fancy. Talk about first world problems," she scoffed angrily. It's not like I tried to piss her off, but these high end dinner trips weren't my favorite so why should I have to do them on my day. "And no, Dom, you're not allowed to put your two cents into this." She added at the end.
"I don't like them!" I shouted. "I don't enjoy them, Kara. I don't like dressing up like this, driving long distances only to do it again after two hours of lavish and overpriced food. It's not fun, it feels like a role I have to play. It's my birthday for Christ sake." I continued, tears prickling in my eyes. I took a deep breath and sat back against my seat.
"Well I'm sorry for trying to do something nice for you." She shot back, playing the victim.
"You are not doing something nice for me! Dad's death benefits and Dominics paycheck are doing something nice for me. Look around Kara! You spend all your income on shopping trips, spa days, and brunch. Who paid for my the earring and jewelry I got today? If you can say that you did then I'll end this right here and apologize." I shouted, my hands fisting the fabric of my dress, while Blaine and Dominic sat quietly.
"Dom...turn the car around." Kara seethed.
"See? Everyone in this car knows I'm right, even you, Kara. It's my birthday, we're getting dinner, so don't turn around, Dominic." I breathed out, trying to calm myself down.
"I have ear buds..." Blaine mumbled from beside me in the back seat.
"Nope, don't need 'em now." I sighed. "Dominic, will you be kind enough to give me the aux?"
"Vera..." he warned, looking back at me in the rear view mirror before looking over at Kara. Something changed in his face, fleeting, but bright and exciting. "Yeah, sure, here it is." He said with a small smile.
"Let's see..." I hummed, swiping through my Spotify library. "What songs does my sister hate the most? I'm thinking Seether or maybe Three Days Grace. Oooh this is it." I antagonized. Immediately after my finger clicked on the song the car filled with Korn's A.D.I.D.A.S. (A/N For those of you who don't know that's an acronym for "all day I dream about sex)
"You're really going the mile with this..." Blaine whispered in my ear. I shrugged before going back to creating a queue of grungy rock songs.
"Okay, okay, that's enough now. We're here." Dominic chuckled as he parked along the side of the street, turning the music down considerably. "Welcome to Atlanta." He added.
"You, good sir, are a dork." I commented as I stepped out of the car.
We all gathered on the sidewalk in front of the chic gold accented doors of what ever restaurant they got reservations for.
"Well then..." I sighed dramatically. "Have fun at dinner, Kara, we are going to go find some disgusting street food and maybe even a homeless person playing the guitar." I grabbed both Blaine and Dominics hands and pulling them down the street.
"Dressed like this?" Dominic whispered.
Kara stood there speechless waiting for us to stop.
"Dom!" She shouted. "You're really going with her and leaving me here?!"
"Look,'s her birthday, I'm doing what she says. You can stay in the car? I'll give you the keys to roll down the windows." I burst out laughing, glad I wasn't facing her.
"Wow! Fuck all of you!" She yelled before sauntering to the doors.
"We'll text you when we're headed back!" I yelled before the doors closed behind her.
"Am I the only one who feels shitty about this?" Blaine asks with a confused grin.
"Nope." Dominic and I answered in unison.
"We're being risky..." Dominic groaned against my lips, pinning me against the muralled bricks of a late night cafe.
"Risky would be fucking me here...Blaines inside, he can't see anything." I pulled him down into the kiss further, lifting my one leg to brush against his crotch.
"Well that seems what you're asking for..." he ground his hips against me, letting me feel the erection in his pants.
"Well...doing this in public has some appeal..." I moaned.
"My little expeditionist." He returned.
The bells of the cafe door rung, pulling us apart. I stepped in front of Dominic to shield his hard on from Blaine. What the hell is an expeditionist?
"What ever is in the bag smells amazing." I commented as Blaine walked over with a big brown bag and a drink in hand.
"Oh this? Well...I made a special call to a special friend who knows some special places and people." Blaine ducked his head down to my ear. "They're edibles."
"Really? Hell yeah!" I said excitedly. "Dominic knows I smoke. And I'm going to pressure him into taking some." I said with a grin.
I drug the the two men to a bench, taking the bags from Blaine.
"What's happening?" Dominic asked curiously. I opened up the bags and peeked inside.
"You're eating a cookie." I answered pulling out the three cookies.
"What?" He asked, stealing one off my lap.
"Hold on, I need to see what he said the dosage is." Blaine said, pulling out his phone. "I was gonna pick them up after dinner but...yeah."
"Dosage?" Dominic questioned.
"They're edible, Dominic." I informed with a ear to ear smile.
"No, Vera." He handed back the cookie. "I have to drive." I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"Please?" I begged. I continued for a moment before Blaine excused himself to call who ever organized this. "Please daddy?" I added, scooting closer to him.
"No." He stated flatly.
"But..." I placed my hand on his thigh next to the tent in his dress pants. "Daddy?"
"Fine..." he breathed out with and easy smile. "Only because this feels like a sexual threat...and you look amazingly perfect." He took the cookie back, taking a bite. I picked mine up and took a bite. We watched each other eat the entirety of our cookies, I turned away from The direction Blaine went, hiding my sexual actions with my body.
I took Dominics hand in mine, sensually licking off the crumbs and chocolate smears on his fingers, moaning in delight.
"Fuck..." he groaned, watching me. "You are too much, baby."
"Only for you..." I hummed after his fingers were more than licked clean.
"Okay, so he said to only eat a quarter to start with." Blaine said as he returned to sit beside us. "Where are the other two cookies?" He questioned. I looked up at Dominic, then the cookie, and finally Blaine. " no no." He whined.
"We uhm...we ate them." Dominic whispered cautiously.
"Welp..." Blaine picked up his cookie. "Do I babysit or partake?"
"Definitely partake..." I answered. Reluctantly Blaine broke the cookie in half, eating one piece.
"Okay, we have an hour to prepare. Less for you guys." Blaine said, shoving the wrapped cookie in his back pocket and throwing away the bag. "By the way...these were supposed to be split among everyone at home...minus the elders."
"Excuse me?" Dominic chuckled.
"Okay..." I breathed, switching to mission mode. "We get dinner, and a blanket, and then find a park. Kara has the keys so she can pick us up."
"No she doesn't..." the jingle of keys sounded from beside me from Dominic.
"Well fuck..." I sighed.
"Should we just head back?" Blaine asked.
"No..." I whined. "Dominic give Blaine your keys. He should be the most okay. We continue as planned...but we walk back to the car at the end."
"Completely fucked up?" Dominic asked. I nodded, filled with an odd balance of anxiety and excitement.
"Okay...guess that's the plan." Blaine breathed out. "Food, blanket, park."
"And then a twenty minute walk back to the car..." Dominic added. "The park is a few blocks away." He said, showing us the directions on his phone.
"I got nachos."
"I got chicken nuggets..."
"I got some bottles of water, a bag to carry our stuff in, the blanket, chips, some candy, and then actual food from Panda Express."
"Way to show off, Blaine." I joked, holding my McDonald's bag of two twenty piece chicken nuggets and fries.
"I got extra guac so...I think I win." Dominic sang out in the middle of the food court. "Also...Blaine, how did you find a blanket in a food court?"
"There's a general store on the second floor." Blaine answered simply. "There was a big sign when we walked in...and right behind you." He added.
"Hmm...must not have noticed." Dominic shrugged, holding his brown chipotle bag.
"No...I think it's the drugs." I laughed out, maybe a little too loud. Both men looked at me with wides eyes, along with a few people passing by.
"How about we get to the park before we get arrested." Blaine snapped, tilting his head to the door.
"To the park we go!" I shouted, pointing at the door. "Onward!"
"Shut up." Blaine whined, rolling his eyes. I took each of their free hands, having shoved the chicken nuggets into Blaines new draw string bag.
"Step back!" I yelled, holding out the blanket. "This is the perfect spot to put the blanket, but you two shit heads are standing in the way!" I continued.
I rolled my eyes, shaking out the blanket before yanking it up so it laid flat against the grass. I silently set up the food, creating a separate spot for everyone. My shops had some off about two blocks back so I just plopped down, sitting criss-cross.
The boys followed suit. I sat on one side of the longest edge of the blanket while the boys sat across from me.
"What shall we start with?" Dominic asked. I unboxed the Panda Express. Fried rice, orange chicken, vegetable lo mein, beef and broccoli, handing everyone a lid to use as a bowl. I laid the egg rolls and cream cheese santons out on some paper towels before setting out Dominics nachos and my chicken nuggets.
"Dig in." I said happily, using a plastic floor to serve myself.
Out of nowhere I became aware of the cheeky grin on my face. I pulled out of the conversation and began touching my dress, the blanket, the the grass. I'm...I'm high as fuck...
"I do believe it has...uhm kicked in." I interrupted. I looked up at Dominic, staring into his now slightly red and glasses over eyes. A smile pulled at his lips, turning into a grin.
" definitely has." He agreed, biting into an egging roll.
"I feel everything." I groaned. "I can feel all my insides, my bones are doing something weird in here." I slurred.
I took a deep breath, taking another bite of food and sip of water. I was happy and relaxed, but I was also overwhelmed and overstimulated.
We finished our dinner, packing it up and sitting it aside on the grass. I was the first one to lay down, sprawled out in the middle of the blanket. Dominic and Blaine followed behind me, laying down on either side of me.
"This is nice..." I breathed out, feeling less of everything, but still lifted.
"It is..." Blaine sighed. Between Dominic and is bodies his fingers laced between mine, giving me a gentle squeeze telling me he was still there, as if I forgot.
"Even though we can't see the stars, the sky is beautiful. The lights of the city make up for it." Dominic observed, pointing to one of the higher buildings in the Atlanta's skyline. "That building right there was built by a guy named Ferdinand final paper for graduation was on him. Shitty guy but a genius."
"Guys..." Blaine panted. "That was deep Dom...but you got any water?"
"Just the one I'm drinking out of..." Dominic said slowly with a amused and confused smile on his lips.
"Ve?" Blaine continued.
"Same thing Dominic just said. How many waters have you drank?" I asked, tilted my head over to look at him.
"Well I bought six, two for each of us. I have you each one, and myself. I finished that one, then I spilled one. And now there's none left." He sighed. I sat up, looking around us. Two half empty bottles sat between Dominic and I, and the other empty four were tossed around us, one even laying on its side half full of water.
"Blaine..." I groaned. "Now we're gonna have to find a bathroom on the way back."
"I don't think I can wait that long..." Blaine whined, sitting up beside me.
"Go pee behind a tree then, there's plenty of 'em." I ordered, laying back down and motioning him away.
"Are you having fun?" Dominic asked after Blaine walked off into the tree line.
"Yes." I answered simply. "Of course I am. This is better than any birthday dinner. I high with two people I love and we're exploring the city together. I'm with you Dominic, that's more than I could have ever wanted." I admitted, turning away from the sky to face him.
"Really?" He questioned, turning to face me too. I nodded with a grin, squeezed our entangled hands. "You are truly one of a kind, Vera. You deserve the most in life."
"Thank you?" I tried. "I'm not sure how to respond to that..."
"How about we start with a kiss?" He smiled down at me, using his hand to lift my chin so our lips met in perfect synchrony.
I moaned against his lips, moved my hands to press against his chest lightly, feeling every curve and indent. His hand moved from my hip to my thigh, pulling me against him so I was almost on top.
"Dominic..." I moaned, warning him of Blaine. I didn't pull away though, I continued to rock my body against his as he did the same.
"I know..." he said in a breathy voice after pulling away. We looked around, making sure Blaine hadn't seen anything. We'd returned to our normal laying positions, this time Dominics jacket was laid across us, hiding both our hands and his massive hard on.
"There's definitely something in there!" Blaine shouted between pants as he ran over to us out of the trees.
"What?" I asked laughing.
"It was huge, and scary, and it watched me pee!" He paced around us, looking over at the trees every few moments. "We gotta go."
"Nooo." I whined.
"Vera..." Dominic mumbled, looking down at his phone. "It's already nine, we should really be going." There was a hint of nervousness in his voice, a new found tenses in his attitude.
"Fine." I grumbled. I helped the boys gather up our late night picnic, not having to carry anything but my shoes.
We began our trek back, passing all our first stops on the way. We weren't even half way there when my feet started to hurt, but I didn't make a sound not wanting to complain anymore on my birthday.
"How far away are we?" I huffed.
"About a block and a half." Dominic answered, holding the bag in one hand and the other one empty.
"Really?" I groaned, I was already lagging behind and slowing us down.
"Hold on, let's stop for a moment." Dominics ordered, leading us over to a bench. "Take a breath and a sip of water." He said with a smile, pulling out on of our bottles of water from the bag and handing it to me.
After I was finished, Dominic took the bottle back but handed the bag to Blaine after wards. In confusion I watched as Blaine pulled it on.
"We can go now..." I slurred.
"Can you tie my jacket around your waist or do you want help?" Dominic asked sweetly, pulling me up to my feet by both hands. I shrugged, confused, and watched him kneel in front of me and tie his black suit jacket around my waist. "Stand on the bench please." I did as I was told, letting him help me to stand on the bench. He turned his back to me and stood with the backs of his legs against the bench. "Jump..."
I climbed onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, having his jacket to cover my otherwise bare butt.
We started up again, but know Dominic held me securely on his back while I wrapped my arms around his neck, still having my shoes in hand.
"I like this." I laughed out, nuzzling my head into the back of Dominic. "Thank you, daddy." I whispered in his ear.
"Mhmm." He hummed back. "I'm glad."
"Can you sit in the back with me?" I asked in a hushed tone so that Blaine couldn't hear from in front of us.
"I'm not sure your sister would like that very much." I rolled my eyes at his response.
"It's my birthday..." I grumbled, him humming in agreement.
We continued walking, or rather Dominic and Blaine did, I stayed silent letting my plan go into action. I laid my head on Dominics shoulder, filling his ear with sleepy Vera sounds.
"I see the restaurant." Announced Blaine, I stayed still, not letting my facade fail.
"It's hard enough to fill a two hour reservation as one person, but I had to explain to them that I was abandoned and asked to stay until you guys came back! You all are fucking ridiculous!" Kara shouted after stepping out of the restaurant. I continued to play asleep, limp on Dominics back.
"Hush!" Dominic snapped. "She's asleep. Save the fight for when she's not." Everyone paused for a moment, waiting for a sign that I was awoken. "Keys, left pocket, you can drive."
"Why?" Kara argued.
"Blaine, can you sit upfront, it's gonna be hard enough getting her in the car let alone pry her off me." Dominic whispered, I felt Karas hand brush my leg as she reached into pockets.
I stayed "asleep" I Dominic backed us both into the backseat, only disconnecting us to move my legs. As soon as the door closed a wrapped my body around his, curling into his side.
The quiet scoff that left Dominics lips made me smile against him, the act was over, we both knew I was awake.
"Hey Blaine, could I get that blanket." Dominic asked from above me. "She's shivering."
"Yeah..." Blaine grunted as he pulled open the bag and tried to pull the much to large blanket out. "Holy really shoved it in there." There was a paused for a moment, I felt a tightness in Dominics chest.
Both men burst out laughing. Oh...I get it. I rolled my eyes at the stupid choice of world, but still a smile formed on my lips from hearing Dominic laugh so openly and unguarded.
"Really? A sex joke? You're really laughing at that, Dom?" Kara scoffed, looking over at Blaine, a cheesy grin on his face. "What are you on? all took something didn't you? What was it? What did you give Vera?!" Kara whispered aggressively, her hands tightening around the wheel.
"Calm down. It was just an edible." Blaine groaned, sounding like a prepubescent little boy who just got in trouble.
"Why would you do that? In the city of all places. Not even in doors." Kara snapped, shaking her head like a disappointed parent. "But I'm not mad at you Blaine...or Vera. Just the grown man who let it happen and partook in it."
"Kara, like he said, fight later, Vera is asleep and we should keep it that way, let's just turn on some calm driving music and get back." Blaine buffered, laying a hand on Karas arm and turning on the music.
I on the other hand had other ideas. I know what I had been doing to Dominic all night, even since before we left. I let everything settle for a few moments but then it was time.
I gently snaked my hand onto Dominics belly, playing with the hem of his pants before slowly and silent unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper. He tensed under me, and a gasp hidden in a cough. I reached inside his pants running my fingers along the bulge in his boxers. I took it slow, letting him control himself and me gain confidence.
I slid my hand into his boxes, doing one long stroke down him, taking in his length and girth. It was more than I thought considering I haven't actually seen it yet. I looked up at him, his head leaned back, biting down on his knuckles while his other arm was wrapped around me.
I continued my slow strokes, focusing on the tip like Maddy said to. He wasn't making any noise other than faltered breaths. My eyes flicked between watching Dominic come undone and the rear view mirror to keep an eye on Kara.
Kara and Blaine began a normal volume conversation, him talking about school and work. I quickened my pace, pumping my hand up and down rhythmically while his body quivered beneath me.
"Vera..." Dominic whispered so quietly that I could barely hear him. A smile creeped onto my lips as I swiped my thumb over his head making him suck in a breath.
His hand clamped tighter around my waist, surely leaving some kind of make. I playfully bit down on his collar bone, taking him by surprise.
"I'm gonna get gas." Kara announced before taking the car into Sheetz. I bit my lip smiling. Kara parked in front of the gas pump, adding that she was going to use the bathroom first. Blaine said he was thirty and left us to go inside.
"You're gonna cum." I moaned into Dominics neck, quickening my pace since we were the only ones in the car.
"Fuck..."Dominic groaned loudly. "" He continued, slapping a hand onto the window and throwing his head back.
"Yes daddy, cum for me, cum for your good girl." I moaned, finding his lips with mine as I did all I could do with my hands to make him explode.
"Oh my god..." I grunted, biting down on his fist and thrusting his hips up. "Vera! I'm coming!" He croaked, out of breath and stamina. I continued pumping beneath the blanket, a pool of warm liquid dripped into my hand, coating both him and I.
"Yes...yes,yes." Dominic breathed out, slightly rocking his hip as more cum leaked out of him. Soon he was an exhausted lump beside me. I wiped both him and I off with the blanket, making a mental note to not let Blaine take it.
"Thank you..." he sighed, putting himself back into his underwear and zipping up his pants.
"Anything for you..."

Ask Me to Stay
RomanceA drunk accident quickly turns into a forbidden romance for the young Vera Adams. Her sister's much older boyfriend Dominic Monroe ends up being the subject of her not-so one-sided obsession, causing the world she had grown used to, to fall apart ar...