Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note: Wow, we made it to twenty chapters. I'm surprised I stuck with it for this long. I hope you guys are enjoying the book, I know I'm enjoying writing it. Thank you to the readers who have stuck around while I continue to update, I know my additions are sporadic but I'm finally in the position to keep updating this on a fairly organized schedule. Please realize that I do work and attend school, and of all my priorities this book is not number one. But it definitely isn't my last priority. Please let me know what you guys want to see more of, there is going to be a sequel to Ask Me to Stay and I recently went back and looked at my plans for that and it's going to need some drastic editing so your ideas are welcome. Just comment them at the end of any chapter and they will be taken into consideration.

Thank you,  ~Grey

Vera's POV

It's been a few weeks since Paris. I can't say things have been easy for Dominic and I, he has work and Kara to attend to and I began my senior year. I've begun my college applications and been working my ass off in school. With time and the circumstances, Dominic and I have yet to even come close to how we were in Paris. We've had our moments, though, on late nights when Kara's at work and we find ourselves naked and tangled in my sheets. Paris changed us both, but neither of us can explore that with where we are now, so yeah... it's been hard.

"Whatcha up to, Love?" Dominic asked, sitting his leather bag down on the chair beside me and kissing the top of my head.

"Job applications..." I mumbled, knowing he wasn't fond of the idea of me working. He groaned dramatically, wrapping his arms around me, forcing me to stop filling out the forms.

"Do you have to? I can up your allowance." He bribed, kissing up my neck to my ear. I sighed, laying down my pen, nodding.

"I'm not your sugar baby, Dominic. I need work experience for when I go to college." I explained, turning my head to face him. He wore a pouty expression, being the dramatic but sweet man he is.

"No...but you do call me 'daddy' on occasion." He chuckled, watching my face flush and an embarrassed smile form on my lips. "I just don't want you to be stressed already have enough on your plate." He didn't have to spell it out for me to know what he was talking about. Kara and his relationship was in such a fragile place that making up excuses to not have sex would just make it fall apart.

"Call it preparation for having to be an adult in less than a year. I'm already stressed out, Dominic, a little more won't do any damage." He sighed, nodding before pulling me into a kiss.

This is the part I was happy about. The domestic life Dominic and I have when Kara isn't home. The way we kiss each other as a greeting instead of an introduction to sex. We kiss and cuddle like a normal couple does, we bathe together, eat together, do work together. He even convinced me to work out with him a few times, but that was more out of being able to watch each other in precarious positions. He wore domesticity well...

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked, knowing my position on getting a job was unwavering. I hummed, thinking on it for a moment.

"You choose, Love." I started using his adornment for me on him more, we chose it as something for both of us but it quickly became a him-to-me thing. At first, he give me these curious looks, but now he reacts with a pleased smile. Which of course looked great on him.

"Well...I have an idea of what I might like to eat." He said with a smirk. I opened my mouth to playfully scold him in his sexual innuendo but the sound of the door opening made us both turn toward the entryway.

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