Chapter Twenty-Five

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I didn't know what to do with myself. Not since that night. 

She's been cold and distant. 

Kara has been warm and sweet lately...but she's not what I want. I know that now. More than ever. I want Vera. 

I want her in my bed, in my kitchen, in my life...because she's already taken over my heart. 

"Oh...if you had to shower why didn't you just come in?" Kara looked down at the bundle of clothes in my arm, standing in the doorway to what became our bathroom. Her makeup was done, she looked odd though. Full face of makeup, done-up hair, clashing lavender-colored scrubs. 

"I didn't want to steam up the mirror..." I mumbled, gently moving past her into the bathroom. 

"Dom...are you okay?" She turns to face me again. No...I am far from it. I shoot her a glare before nodding my head. "Real believable, Dom." She scoffs, shaking her head. I close the door, putting up a physical barrier between us to match the emotional one already there. "Dom!"

"I have to get ready, Kara!" I snap on the other side of the door. "Fuck!" I breathe out, looking at myself in the mirror. 

Bags hung under my eyes. My skin looked even more pale than usual. My eyes were bloodshot. I looked terrible...I felt terrible. I lost some weight from my appetite going missing. I've spent more time in the gym than ever...I don't like being home...

I go through the motions of getting into the shower. I step into the scolding hot water, ignoring the piercing burn on my skin. I stand directly under the showerhead, letting the waterfall down my face. It doesn't take long for the salty water of my tears to join the shower water in running down my face. I don't sob or make noise. Just let the tears fall and the water drown out my barely audible whimpers. Why does she do this to me...

I don't feel refreshed when I get out. Just more exhausted and damp. I slept in, more than usual, to try and give the image that I am okay, but I know Vera will see through it. If I can see through her the way I convinced myself I could then she'll be able to do the same.

"I have a dinner in Boston tonight," I inform flatly when I walked into the bedroom and Kara's still there. She just nods, staying silent for a moment.

"Okay..." She takes in a deep breath, standing up from the bed. She looks relieved... "Try and have a good time out, maybe you can meet up with one of your friends up there, get a break from work." She thinks it's work that has me so messed up... She heads to the door, holding it open and turning back to me. "We should plan a date...just an idea. But I gotta run, I think I'm just gonna crash with one of the girls, there's only a few hours between my shifts." I nod absently, just wanting her to leave already. "Leave some dinner money for V?" I nod again. 

I don't exhale until I hear her car pull out of the driveway.

I look at the clock, 2:18. I pace the room, pulling on the outfit I had set out the night this dinner was arranged. Something that showed I cared but didn't make her feel underdressed. A black sweater, dark navy-blue slacks, brown leather boots. I care...a lot.


I'm parked at the Dunkin Donuts across from Vera's school, probably the worst place to park when school lets out. But the traffic has died down considerably since it's a few minutes away from 4:00. She's standing me up...

"Sorry, Maddy needed me to take some pictures of her for something, I tried to make it quick, but you know Maddy." Vera rambles as she chaotically climbs into the car, tossing her stuff in the back. "Oh..." She pauses, looking me up and down. "You look nice. Wait...why do you look so nice?" Because I care...

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