Chapter Twenty-One

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Vera's POV

I slapped my hand against the light switch and held up my rolling pin, meeting eyes with Cody as I let out a small yelp of battle. He held his arm up, blocking himself from my possible bow, then looked me up and down and laughed. 

"That was cute, babe." He relaxed his stance and looked down at the body on the ground. "You wanna help me get this sack of shit to bed?"

"If I must..." I sighed, grabbing Blaine's one arm while Cody got the other. Halfway up the stairs, we started to wonder why the sofa wouldn't have sufficed, but our collective stubbornness wanted us to push on. Finally, after dragging a full-grown body around the house, we dumped Blaine down on his bed. I placed my hands on my hips, proud of our success, and looked up at Cody. He wore an amused smirk, something dark hidden behind his eyes, then he laughed. Slightly intoxicated and raspy from smoke-laced lungs. 

"Shut up! You'll wake Kara and Dominic up," I hissed, smacking him on the arm. "Or him," I added shoving my arm towards Blaine's cooked noodle of a body. 

"Calm down," He chuckled, taking a step closer to me. "I know how protective daddy dearest is..." He whispered, his hand finding its way to my waist, his fingers playing with the fabric of the shirt. 

"He's not my dad..." I groaned, feeling the need to make that point. Cody chuckled again, bending his head down to mine, his breath fanning over my cheek and ear. 

"I think I need the house tour, lets start with your room..." I rolled my eyes at him, biting my lip when his eyes met mine. 

"Could you be any more cheesy?" I breathed out, subtly arching my body into his. 

"Humor is one of my many talents, baby, I can show you more if you'd like?" He pulled his head back slightly, meeting me at eye level barely two inches away from my face. "I can do this lovely trick with my tongue..." 

"Fuck..." I groaned, leaning forwards and catching his lips in mine. He smiled against my lips and rhythmically moved his lips with mine, pulling me into himself by my hips. 

"Bedroom, baby?" He huffed after breaking away. All I could do was nod, pulling him behind me through the bathroom and into my room, making sure all the doors were closed and locked. I shed the robe, crawling on top of Cody, finding his lips again. 

His hands roamed my body, pulling the shirt up, mumbling a comment on my lack of undergarments. I arched my back into him, grinding my hips into his lap while my fingers roamed his hair. As he lost a few pieces of clothing, the shirt soon was tugged off and tossed aside. 

Guilt tugged at my heart with each moan, the fact of the oversized t-shirt, most certainly not mine, was just sitting in the corner of my eye, punishing me for doing this. I rationalized it by reminding myself he fucks Kara on a semi-regular basis, I don't owe this to him. I don't owe this to him...

My fingers gripped Cody's chest while I moved my hips on top of him. His hands grabbed my thighs, slightly arching up into me. I knew he was close. I bent down, finding his lips in mine and moaning into the kiss. I felt like a starving animal, Dominic and I have been docile for far too long. I wanted to make him angry, I wanted Paris. 

"Fucking Christ!" Cody groan, his body tensing, the condom doing its job well. I slowed my hips, a little disappointed in Cody's stamina, or lack there off. I was the one doing the work anyway, he just laid there. I climbed off of him, lying beside him on the bed, one knee lifted over the other. 

"Did you finish?" Cody panted, lifting one arm above his head. I internally groaned. 

"Mmmm..." I sighed lazily, snuggling into the pillows. I gently placed my hand on his and squeezed it. "Shut the door on your way out," I mumbled lightly as if it were a question. "Goodnight," I added softly.

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