Chapter one: the morning

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Hugo groaned as he felt the bed shift.
He reached out towards the young man who was sitting up.

Pulling at him half heartedly he tried to get him to lay back down.

"Its to early Freckles, get back here-" he whined sleepily.

He heard a soft laugh, and opened his eyes to look towards Varian.

"Its not that early, and I can't Babe, I have to help set up for today. "

"Can't my ass, get back down here. If I can't see the sunlight shining through the window then it's to early."

Much to Hugo's displeasure, he felt the bed shift again as Varian stood up.

Varian stretched his arms a his head, sighing as he turned to face Hugo.

Hugo sat up,  pouting like an unhappy child as he looked over at Varian with tired eyes.

Varian walked back over to him and ran his hands through his messy bed head.
Hugo smiled and leaned his head into Varians hands, looking up at him from upside-down.

The smile Varian gave him made his heart flutter.
Maybe even skip a beat.
He smiled back, a dopey grin across his faintly freckled face.

"I swear " Hugo mumbled " your going to kill me."

Varian smiled, rolling his eyes playfully.
Hugo gazed up at him lovingly, the grin still on his face.

Varian's face was soon dusting in a soft pink, as his smile grew wider. Hands playing with the blonde starnds of hair, he looked at Hugo more intently.

Hugo sighed " you just-"

"Just what?" Varian's eyebrow lifted in question.

"You make me feel things I've never felt."

Varian smiled brighter, and Hugo noticed the blush spreading across his freckled face.

"It's kinda annoying " Hugo said, laughing a little as he spoke," but it's amazing- and confusing"


"But... I love it. " he said quietly. Sitting up and turning to face Varian, he pulled the young alchemist closer by the waist.
"I love you "

Varian smiled cupping his face.
"I love you too."

Hugo took it as his opportunity to pull Varian closer, leaning backwards on the bed, causing them to topple over.

Varian gave a short laugh, and looked at Hugo.

"So what's up with you this morning?" Varian asked, looking into his boyfriends eyes.

"Me? Nothing, nothing besides the fact that I'm madly in love with you. " he said, smiling softly.

Varian smiled at his words, and kissed him softly on the nose.
Hugo's face when red at the gesture, and then he gave a annoyed expression as Varian went to get off of him and the bed.

"Where do ya think your going to?"

"I told you already " Varian sighed, " I'm helping the princess set up for the festivities. "

"Well she can bloody wait then" came the unfazed reply.

Varian opened his mouth to explain to Hugo the importance of thr matter, but Hugo grabbed him and pulled him down into a kiss.

Varian smiled against his lips and kissed him in return.

Hugo grabbed at his waist pulling him closer, but Varian pushed him down against the bed.

"Not this morning- I already told you-"

"I know " Hugo drawled interrupting " your helping miss happy go lucky with the party. "

"Oh Don't be so grumpy babe " he said, pulling on his blue blouse.
"Its the day of hearts after all. "

"And I just want us-" Hugo said " just us, to have a good day."

Varian felt a pull on his heart at Hugo's words, and turned to face him.
" me too Hugo, but I already told Rapunzel I'd help her with today months ago. "

He walked back over to where Hugo was, Hugo now sitting at the edge of the bed.

Varian reached out and took Hugo's gloved hands in his.
"I promise you we'll have time for ourselves today, ok?"

Hugo nodded his head, a soft smile on his lips.

Varian leaned down and connected his lips against Hugo's briefly, before smiling and walking towards the bedroom door.

"Don't worry ok? We'll get a chance to have the best day of hearts"

"I'm not worried " he said. Glancing quickly over to the desk at the other end of the room.
"I know it's going to be better then the best."

Varian smiled " see ya later."

Hugo stood up pulling on some pants as he struggled towards the door.
Throwing on a shirt we caught up to Varian who was just about to leave the house.

"Hold on a sec Freckles " he pulled him back towards the kitchen. " I ain't letting you go to work without ya eating something first. "

"Hugo I'll be-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. Your eating breakfast mister." Hugo said pushing Varian down into a chair.

Varian didn't argue, and Hugo started making then some eggs and toast.

As if the sound of cooking food was his wake up call, next thing Hugo knew, was the feeling of soft fur rubbing against his legs.

He looked down to see Ruddiger, who was looking at him with big eyes, begging for some of thr delicious eggs.

"What do ya want trash panda?" Hugo said, trying to not burn himself as Ruddiger bumped him.

"Awww looks like he's ready for some breakfast too" Varian laughed.

Hugo looked at Varian then back down to Ruddiger.
He smiled and put an egg in a dish and set it on the floor for Ruddiger.

The raccoon made a happy exclamation and rubbed against Hugo's legs quickly as if to thank him before he hurriedly turned his attention to the food.

Hugo picked up to plates and made his way towards Varian.
Sitting down next to him, he set the food on the table.

They ate in silence,besides the  sending of glances and soft laughs back and forth.

Varian stood up and reached out towards Hugo.
He grabbed Varians hand and brought it to the side of his face.

"I'll see you sooner then you realize " Varian smiled.

"I know ya will. " Hugo said, looking up at him. " Now hurry up, the faster you get done the sooner I'll see you again. "

Varian laughed and walked away, giving Hugo a smile and a wink before disappearing from view.

Hugo stared at the empty doorframe for a while.
All he could think about was Varian.

The way his blue eyes shone, and the way he smiled.
How his freckles stood out in the soft light of morning.
His laugh-

He sighed, standing up and walked back to the bedroom.

Pulling out the desk chair he sat down, hands reaching under the best, bringing up what he had hidden under it the weeks before.

Ruddiger jumped up next to him and rubbed his head against Hugo's arm.
He looked at Ruddiger and smiled.

"Let's make this the absolute best Day of hearts he's ever had shall we?"

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