Chapter three: The Dance

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Varian followed Rapunzel into the ballroom.
He glanced around, hoping, searching for any sign of Hugo.
But he wasn't there.

He stood next to Eugene as the Princess walked into the middle of the dimly chandelier lit room. All eyes where on her, in her long flowing dress, the sparkles on it seeming to blink under the candlelight.

"Dear People of Corona," Rapunzel began, "for the first time during our beloved Festival of Hearts, I bring you the event of the evening."

As she spoke, Hugo slowly entered the room unnoticed, and began to weave his way towards his boyfriend.

"And without further adue-" Rapunzel said,"I bring you... the Dance of Hearts."

After her words, she smiled as both she and Eugene started to waltz around the room. Soon, beautiful music and the sounds of happiness filled the ballroom, couples dancing and twirling around on the tiled floor.

Varian smiled, watching, scanning the crowd for any sign of Hugo.

He felt bad that today hadn't gone as planned. After all, this was his and Hugo's first Day of Hearts together, and he had been so busy helping Rapunzel, that the only time they had was the soft kisses of morning and a short breakfast.

Sighing he looked towards Rapunzel.
Her face held a loving smile as Eugene spoke softly, a smile on his face.

He felt happy for them. After everything they went through, everything he did to them...

He shook his head and glanced around the room. Taking in the other couples now waltzing around he couldn't help but feel guilty again.

They all looked happy, more then happy.

In love.

Brushing away a strand of hair from his face, he looked around again.

"Looking for someone in particular?" a familiar voice said from behind him.

Varian smiled and turned to face the blonde man. "Yes, actually, I was."

"Well in that case, I hope you find who youre looking for" Hugo replied coyly, giving him a grin.

Varian laughed and grabbed Hugo's hand, pulling his partner out onto the dance floor. As they spun around the ballroom, everything else seemed to fade way, the only thing they could see was each other.

The lights around them flickered as the crystal prisms Varian hung from the ceiling caught the light, sends dancing rainbows and shimmers across the room.

Hugo smiled at Varian, a hand in his, his other around his waist.
Eyes never leaving Varians face.

Varian smiled, blushing as his eyes met his boyfriends gaze.


" Nothing-" Hugo breathed out.

Varians blue eyes met his again, the sparkling lights dancing in his eyes.
Hugo sucked in a breath, taking in Varians features in the dim chandelier lit room.

"Your breathtaking..."

Varian smiled softly, moving his other hand to Hugo's shoulder.
He smiled and pulled the alchemist closer.

They danced the night away, and just as the last slow waltz began, Hugo lead them out of the ballroom and into the gardens outside. With the twinkling stars lighting up the night sky above them, he pulled them to a slow stop.

Varian smiled at him, and Hugo returned it as he reached into his pocket.

His mind was spinning, heart beating right out of  his chest. Swallowing he smiled nervously.

"Varian-" he said, a waver in his voice. Stepping down, he got on one knee.

The alchemist in-front of him gasped and covered his mouth, another smile forming on his face.

"I can't imagine my life without you in it. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."

Varian smiled even wider, his eyes brimming with joyful tears.

"I know I'm not the best person out there, but there must be something in me that's worth you deciding to love." Hugo stood up as he held out a silver band. "Will you-"

"Yes," Varian interrupted, his cheeks wet.

Hugo spun him around, a joyous laugh leaving his lips, and Varian laughed in return.

Stopping Hugo set him down, a huge smile dancing across his face.

His words where cut of as Varian pulled him into a kiss.
Hugo hummed, smiling against him.

Varian pulled away, face red, a beautiful smile across his face.
Cheeks wet with joyful tears he looked into Hugo's eyes.

Hugo felt his heart stop, and felt himself on the brink of tears as well.

Varian smiled again, a soft laugh escaping his lips.

"Do- i- would you- haha" he stuttered happily," want to dance- out here..."

"Just us?" Hugo smiled eyes shining.

"Yeah " Varian breathed out. " just us"

Varian stepped closer, smiling as he put his hand into Hugo's.
Smiling, Hugo slid the ring onto Varian's finger.

Laughing out of pure happiness, He pulled Varian closer, hands around his waist.

Varian looked up at him, putting his arms around the blondes neck.

He smiled and leaned closer, resting his head against Hugo's shoulder.

Hugo smiled wide,face dusted over with pink.

He looked up, gazing up at the endless stary sky.

All those nights flooded his mind.


Camping under the stars, the peacefulness of the night. The two boys, both insecure, longing and searching for something.

The library.
The words they shared those few hard months.

"I love you..."

Hugo looked down, Varians words brining him back.
He smiled softly, tears in his eyes.

Voice wavering, he closed his eyes.
"I love you too "

Holding him close, the slowly danced in the soft grass.
The cold night air wrapped around them, the distant sounds of the music from the ballroom drifting in the air.

Hearts beating, breathing quietly, eyes looking into the others.
Seeming to be lost in the moment.

Hugo leaned his forehead against Varians, closing his eyes.
Varian smiled, hands holding the sides of his face.

Breathing in deeply Hugo smiled softly, as he held him closer.
Varians breath danced across Hugo softly as he let out a happy quite laugh.

Standing on his tipy toes, Varian buried his face against Hugo's shoulders, hugging him as the danced.

Nothing, nothing could amount the the happiness they felt.

They continued to dance, slowly.
Both of them taking in the presence and comfort if the other.

Nothing could make their night, better. Just them.

Just the two of them.


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