Chapter Eight: Dance of Hearts

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Six months later

Hugo stood nervously at the front of the thrown room.
His hands fidgeted as he glanced over at the Queen and King.

Rapunzel smiled at him from where she stood next to him, Eugene giving him a thumbs up from his seat in the front row.

Glancing down at his black suit, Hugo inhaled shakily.
He looked down at his open palm, the ring be had gotten Varian laying there, shining bright.

He heard the music start and saw the doors at the other end of the room.
Inhaling he held his breath, as the young man walked towards him next to Cass.

Varian smiled nervously, glancing down at his hands, then meeting Hugo's gaze.

Hugo took him in, he was breaking. His suit was white, with gold sparkles on the shoulders and along his sides, painted details Rapunzel had added swirling on his suit.

His hair was braided back, a Gold sun crest pin placed behind his hair, holding his blue hairstripe back, as it joined the braid.

Varian exhaled nervously as Cassandra patted his arm before leaving him as she took her seat next to Eugene.

Queen Rapunzel smiled at her friend as he walked up the steps towards her and Hugo.

Standing across from the blonde man, Varian smiled, his face decorated in pure joy.

Rapunzel held out her hands, looking between the two you men that stood before her.

"Here we stand today, to celebrate the joining of two hearts. The bund two souls together as one."

Hugo looked as Varian, who met his gaze, smiling at him wide, the corner of his eyes holding joyful tears.

"Today I am honored to be the one to see two of the best people I've ever known, start a whole new chapter in their lives."

Hugo exhaled shakily, Smiling nervously at the love of his life. Rapunzel reached forward and took both of their hands in hers.

"May I please have the rings?" She said.

Varian and Hugo both held out the rings they had, the silver and amber bands laying flat against their palms.

"Please take your rings."

Varian took Hugo's ring and Hugo held Varians.
His fingerless gloved hands shaking as he tried to remain calm.

"Varian" The Queen started, turning to face him." Do you take this man before you for better or worse, for all the good and bad, and till death do you part?"

Varian nodded, smiling, trying to hold back tears. " Yes, yes I do."

Rapunzel smiled at her friend " is there anything you would like to tell him before we continue?"

Varian nodded his head again. Taking Hugo's other hand in his he looked up at him.

"Hugo" he began, his voice wavering " i- I know I've told you this so many times but I love you.
I love you so much it hurts me.
I- I don't know where I'd be if I never met you.

I can't imagine my life without you in it. And- and I can't wait to spend t-the rest of my life with you by my side."

Hugo smiled, as he tried not to cry, Varians tears slowly rolling down his smiling face.

Rapunzel nodded her head " You may now place the ring on his finger."

Varian gave a short nervous laugh as he slid the amber ring onto Hugo's finger.
He smiled wider at the man infront of him, his blue eyes swimming in joyful tears.

Rapunzel turned to Hugo, nodding her head at him.
"And do you,Hugo, take this man before you for better or worse, for all the good and bad, and till death do you part?"

Hugo nodded his head, tears escaping despite his efforts to hold them back.
"Yes, yes" he said softly crying "I do"

"Is there anything you would like to say before we continue?"

Hugo inhaled shakily, squeezing Varians hand.
"Freckles " he said giving a nervous laugh, trying not to cry," I am so lucky to have you as mine.
I love you, I love you Varian. And I'll keep loving you, despite your flaws and insecurities, I will never stop loving you.

He choked on his words, tears rolling down.
"And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. "

Rapunzel held back a happy sob, about to cry herself.
She smiled, wiping away a stray tear.

"You may now place the ring on his finger. "

Hugo didn't hesitate as he took the silver band and slid it on Varians shaking hands.

Varian held back a sob, trying not to lose it before the whole kingdom.
Hugo smiled, taking both Varians hands in his.

Rapunzel smiled wide, and looked between the two of them.
"By the power vested in me, I hear by announce you Man and Man, husband and husband , for the rest of your lives."

Varian let out a happy exclamation, and Hugo suddenly pulled him forward into a hug, the people in the room cheering and applauding.

"You may now kiss-"

Rapunzel didn't even get to finish her sentence before Varian pulled Hugo by the front of his suit into a kiss.

Eugene let out a whoop of joy as Cass laughed.
Soon everyone was laughing and congratulating the two newly weds, shaking hands with them, or hugging them.

Varian let out a loud cry as he say Yong running over to him.
The now older boy ran and leaped into a hug, talking a mile a minute to the alchemist he admired and missed.

Hugo smiled at Nuru, as she came over and hugged the tall blonde, laughing and crying as she congratulated him.

The evening went by, and soon the room was filled with excitement and joyful voices.

As some people talked and others where eating, some where dancing to the music that the small orchestra played.

Varian looked at Hugo and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from his seat.
Laughing as Varian dragged him into the dancing group of people, Hugo held him close smiling wide.

Varian led them through the dancing crowd and out into the garden.

The night sky once again basking them in the soft pale moonlight.
Varian pulled him closer, arms wrapped around him, head on his shoulder.

Hugo held him tight, hugging him as they slowly dance under the stars. He closed his eyes, taking in the sound of Varian's breathing, and the feel of his beating heart.

They both danced, holding one another tight, never wanting to let go.
Varian inhaled deeply, pulling back to look at his husband's face.

Hugo smiled at him softly, his face faintly illuminated in the moonlight.
Varian kissed him softly, and smiled wide.

"Guess what?"

Hugo smiled giving a small laugh.
"What freckles?"

Varian layed his head back down, smiling as he closed his eyes, taking in the sound of a Hugo's beating heart.

"Its just us for the rest of our lives."


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