Chapter four: night of the lanters

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He breathed in deeply, hands still wrapped around the waist of his now fiancé.

Varian and Hugo came to a slow stop, both of them now just hugging, not wanting to let go.

The young alchemist looked up into the green eyes of the blondes , his shining blue ones damp with joyful tears.

Hugo smiled and pulled him closer into another hug, his heart about to explode form the sheer love and happiness he was experiencing.

They heard the distant music change into a lively toon, sounds of people and laughter flooding out of the ballroom.

"Whats going on now?" Hugo looked at Varian," I thought the dance was ending."

Varian grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

"It did end, but now it's time for the newest surprise." He grinned.

Hugo gave him a questioning look, but Varian just smiled at him.
Holding his hand, he ran, leading Hugo through the gardens and around to the front of the castle.

He motioned to a high garden wall, cover in thick foliage.
Nodded at Hugo, Varian started to climb up, Hugo following him.

At the top, Varian helped pull Hugo up, and the two of them sat close.

"Now, why the hell did you make me climb up there f-"
He's words where cut short as Varian turned his head, hand under Hugo's jaw.

The sight before Hugo was unlike anything he had ever seen.


Hundreds of them, no, Thousands of them.

Heart shaped Lanters blazing like pink, red and white lights against the dark night sky.
He felt himself hold his breath, taking in the magical feeling of them moment.

Varian watched Hugo's face.
Taking in his features.
Observing the way he gazed awestruck at the spectacle before him.

Smiling softly Varian slowly reached out and interviewed his fingers with Hugo's, holding his hand tightly.

Hugo looked down at his hand, gazing at his and Varians hand intertwined.
He smiled softly and looked at him in the eyes, and brought their hands up, kissing the top of Varian's hand.

"I love you..." Hugo whispered.
Varian smiled at him, hid features faintly lit by the glow of the lanterns.

"I- I don't have any other words to explain how much I love you. "
He said softly. " Varian- you're my everything, all and more then everything. "


"Remember the last day us and the gang where together?"

"Yeah, I do"


I remember it like it was Yesterday Freckles.

We where all there, in the long bridge leading away from Corona.

I was watching from a ways away, as you and Yong said your tearful goodbyes.

I said my goodbyes to Yong and Nuru, you saying them with hugs and tears .

I was- I was afraid of everything I did, that- maybe because of me working for Donella, that you would somehow hate me now that the trials where done.

So I tried to sneak off without a goodbye.
But, that didn't quite work as I hoped it would.


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