Hanako-San, Hanako-san, Hanako-san? (Chapter 1)

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Y/N's Pov:

I get up and I get dressed to go to school. I have been going to school for about a week and with Yashiro there it seemed really interesting. I grabbed my (Favorite color) backpack and I quietly make lunch. My mom or dad wasn't up so I wanted to be quiet. I close my front door and locked it. "(Nickname)-Chan!" I hear a familiar voice behind me shout in joy while hugging me from behind.

"Oh. Hello Nene-Chan." I hugged her back and she grabbed my hand. "I can't wait to go to school!" She started to skip letting her hair bounce with every jump.

~Time skip to when they get there~

"Hey, have you heard?"

Yashiro suddenly asked. "What do you mean?" I responded.

"The rumors about the 7 wonders?"

"No, but I will know if you fill me in on the details," I answered back.

"Oh my God! I guess I'll tell you the one I know, the seventh of the seven wonders: Hanako-San of the bathroom. In the third stall in the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the old building lives Hanako-San, who grants a wish to anyone who summons her. But in exchange, she takes something precious from them."

Yashiro tried to act scary but she just looked like an adorable daikon. "So is that why we are at by the old bathroom? Do you have a wish?" I asked. "Actually...I do and I wanted to try the rumor out. Can you please come?" She asked grabbing my hands. She was trembling. "Ok." I simply say and I go inside to peak. 'I have a wish anyway so mind as well'

"You are doing it though," I informed her. She gulps and started to knock on the door. I kept my hands on her shoulders (I was behind her). She knocks three times and said...




"Are you in there?"

Yashiro asked. We both closed our eyes after. I opened them and I saw the door open. "YASHIRO THE DOOR OPENED!" I screamed taking a step back. "Really?!" She looked at the door.


I heard and saw a hand on the door. Yashiro quickly held onto my arm. I prepared for impact but only saw the door open more. There wasn't anyone. "M-Maybe it was just our imagination," I assured Yashiro. "Yeah, maybe your right," Yashiro said relaxing a bit. I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I heard a whisper saying,

"You summoned me?"

I turn around and tried to push the figure. My hands went through his body causing me and Nene to scream. I heard laughing and I looked up. 'A male voice?' I got up. "What's the matter, with you?" The voice asked me and I grabbed Yashiro to put her behind me. "Thank you Y/N," Yashiro whispered. "His body is see-through and he has a old uniform. Ghost-like orbs? Is he a ghost?" I thought loudly.

"I prefer apparition or the seventh of the Seven Wonders of the School. 'Hanako-San of the bathroom' I'm delighted to meet you." Hanako tilted his hat. "W-Wait are you saying you're Hanako-San?" Yashiro asked. "No way that is her," I whispered. "Yeah, you rang?" He said ignoring what I said. "We're not stupid!" I said pointing a finger at her.

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