The 4 o'clock Library (Chapter 6)

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"Oh... Anyway, Yashiro, tell her about Kou!" I shook her gently. "Kou is Teru's younger brother," I informed her. "So she has a thing for blondes?" Aoi innocently asked. "Yep!" I smile. "Y/N! Stop!" She shakes me aggressively as I and Aoi talk about Kou.  I laugh. "Yashiro why are you shaking me so hostility?" I yelled as she continued to shake the life out of me.

-The 4 o'clock Library-

(Mentions of putting someone on fire)

We started scanning the books in the library. "You're probably bored, Kou. We're sorry." Yashiro said to break the silence. "Me? Never! Besides, you're my bro now. I'd do anything for you. And I may or may not be a little curious to read his book myself." Kou told her. "You mean my girl?" I whispered. "Shut up!" Yashiro hits my shoulder. "I had a feeling that might be it, Kou," Yashiro said. "You're trying to find his weakness so you can exorcise him, aren't you?" I asked.

"Well... I've been doing some thinking. And I honestly can't say I know that much about the guy or that I have a real reason to exorcise him. Well besides that fact that he's a toilet germ." Kou confessed. "Can ghosts even get germs?" Yashiro asked. "I've only seen him fight the bad guys," I added. "There isn't a reason to get rid of him."

"We're on the same page." Yashiro grabs his hand and smiles. "I know we'll find his book together!" She was blushing a bit but it wore off. Kou looked stunned. I sigh and I saw a butterfly past me. I follow the animal and it lands on a book. "Hey, look at this," I told them as they walk towards me. I touch the book and dust surrounds me. "Y/N!" Yashiro yelled as she runs over to me.

I look and suddenly there was a door. "Is that the door we were looking for?" I asked Yashiro. "I think so." He nods. I go inside and start searching immediately. The place gave me the creeps so I didn't want to stay for long. Kou and Yashiro were slowly but, surely coming inside. I look around. "It's kinda dark here," I mentioned. A mokke hands me a lantern. I smile and I look at the lantern then, myself. I shrieked and Yashiro and Kou came running to me. "What happened? What are you wearing?" Yashiro asked. "I don't know," I yelled. I had a white, black and pink dress on.


"When did you change?" Kou asked

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"When did you change?" Kou asked. "I didn't!" I panicked. "It's okay! It isn't a threat." Kou said before muttering something. "O- okay. Can we just find the book so we can leave?" I started walking around. "Okay." Yashiro and Kou follow behind me. "White books are records for the living, and black books are the records for the dead. That's what Aoi said." Yashiro recalled.

"Cool, so we're looking for a black book, then," Kou replied. I noticed another butterfly. "There's another butterfly. I'm following it." I told them. "You can't just follow a bug!" Kou yelled. Yashiro ran with me anyway. The butterfly landed on a book and I noticed the name.

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