I Love Donuts and You (Chapter 7)

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"What do you mean by that?" Yashiro asked. "We should head to sleep." I changed the topic. "Okay. I guess." She slips into her bed and I lay down. "Goodnight!" I smiled. "Goodnight," Yashiro replied. I close my eyes and I fall into a nice sleep.

-I Love Donuts and You-

I was in the back of the class on my phone. My phone was in front of my math book. I know I may have been avoiding Hanako a bit but for some reason, ever since I got to see a bit of Hanako's past, I can't look him in the eye anymore...


"Bye-bye!" Yashiro waved. "Bye Aoi!" I added as Yashiro and I walk together. I started planting flowers while Yashiro took care of the weeds, kind of aggressively. 'It seemed so real...' I thought. I whined a bit and sat down the mokke sits on my lap. "Hey, we have to clean the bathrooms today. Are you ready to see Hanako?" Yashiro asked. "Not really." I grinned. "Wow!" I hear a new voice. "You guys take care of this field, Senpais? I always wondered who tended it."

"Kou-Kun?" Yashiro gasped. Yashiro quickly tried fixing her hair. I took a few grass pieces out of her hair. "Ayo!" He sang. He squats next to Yashiro. "Why are you here?" Kou asked. "Oh is it bathroom cleaning time already?" Yashiro asked. I sigh. "Are you here to get us?" I questioned. "I wanted to ask you, ladies, a favor." Kou started. "Favor?" Yashiro repeated. "Umm... Do you know how to make donuts, Senpais?" Kou asked.


"Man, thank goodness you're so good at cooking, Senpai! I've been cooking with my big bro, but I'm hopeless. I kind of made a mess of it." Kou explained. I got to cleaning up whatever he did while they were whispering behind me. "Also didn't worry about bathroom cleaning! I talked to Hanako." Kou added. "Thank you!" Yashiro hugged the blonde. "Okay." I let out a breath I didn't know I held in.

"Poison. It's poisonous." The Mokke repeated. "Aww, it's okay." I pulled out some candy and they took it. Yashiro and Kou started to help. "Still, why donuts?" I asked. They froze up. "W-Well...M-My sister! I have a little sister. She suddenly started whining that she wanted donuts. So I reserved this room and..." Kou trailed off. I started sifting the flour. "Sorry if this is so sudden!" Kou told us. "No, it's fine," Yashiro said. "Low key, I am so grateful you did that," I confessed. "Why?" Kou asked.

"I feel... Awkward? I don't know if that's the word. But I feel awkward around Hanako-Kun lately." I admitted. I snap back to reality and Yashiro was already stirring the batter. "It's not like we are fighting or anything!" I assured them. "Hold on." Kou went behind Yashiro and helped her stir.

"Try stirring like this," Kou told her. My jaw dropped and I quietly cheer. "It gets exhausting sometimes, huh?" Kou said. "Suddenly being able to see things you couldn't before. I've always been able to see them, and it still gets to me sometimes." Kou declared. "I'll listen to you ladies grumble or whatever if you like! I may not be too reliable, but I'm on your said, Senpais!" He told us.

"Minamoto-Kun..." Yashiro was blushing. "Umm... Personal space." Yashiro whispered. "S-S-Sorry! It's not like that! I-It's just a habit from cooking with my sister! I didn't mean-" Kou explained. He backs away quickly and bumps into me, making me fall. "Sorry, Y/N-Chan!" He ran away and tripped on his donut attempts. Yashiro giggles and I smile.

"Thank you, Kou-San. I guess I will be willing to tell you. Do you mind?" I asked. "Go ahead," Kou shouted. "Can I tell some of it too?" Yashiro asked. "Of course!" I smile.

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