Royalty?! (Chapter 11)

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We giggle as we roam the halls. I yawned. "What should we do?" I asked. "You need to go to sleep." He told me. "What? No!" I yelled. "Go home, Y/N." He advised. "Wait! There are showers in the locker room! I am just going to take a shower and change into different clothes! And an hour before anyone gets here, I'll shower and change into a fresh uniform!" I explained. "You bring pajamas here?" Amane asked. "Yeah!" I smile. "Fine with me then." He told me.


It's been three days since the Hell of Mirrors day...

I sit at my desk bored out of this world. I yawn. I suddenly saw a shadow in front of me. "You missed me, princess? Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Hanako asked. He was upside down. My eyes widened. Before my mouth can scream on its own, I cover it.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered. "What's wrong with wanting to see my lovely girlfriend?" He acted dramatically offended. "What are you talking about?" I mumbled. He rests his head on the desk. "Do you think I'm lying?" He asked while tilting his head. "Well, I'm in class, so please be quiet," I requested. "So..." He started to play with my hair. "So, what's going inside that head of yours?" He asked me. I take my pen and I started writing on the side.

Kou called me last night and I think Kou-San might be feeling down.

"Why?" Amane questioned.

He was friends with Mitsuba. I'm sure his friend forgetting him made him feel lonely.


Yes really! I wonder if we can do something to cheer him up. Maybe Nene can do something.

"You only care about those two." Amane assumed. "Huh?" I look around me. I was unaware that I was about to get hugged by him. "Amane!" I whispered. "I was lonely when you got sucked into that mirror, you know? Weren't you lonely, my darling?" He whispered into my ear. "H-Hey, get off of me!" I shove him away, flustered but he came back. "And here I was worried about you." He said to him while inspecting my hands. "Amane, I was lonely. I never said I wasn't." I let out. I felt him play with my hair as I took notes. "All done!" He showed me the hairstyle and it was (your choosing). He looked so proud and I chuckle. "Y/N! Save the makeover for after class!" The teacher yelled. "Okay, sir." I bowed my head.


"Oooo, you like underclassmen?!" Aoi asked my friend, Nene. She nods. "I feel like he has been upset recently, though," Nene explained. "I want to get closer to someone. God, I wish I was an apparition." I confessed. "Same!" Nene held my hand. "Well now, you wish to become an apparition? What a delightful coincidence. We shall grant your wishes." I heard.

I looked at my desk and fish were swimming in a small pool of water. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highnesses." One of the fish said. "Hey... Nene. I forgot something... We will be right back." I took Nene's hand and sprinted out as fast as my legs can.


"For your information. I am the Seven Wonder's boss's girlfriend and Nene is his assistant. In addition, her boyfriend is a strong exorcist." I told them. "Is not!" She shouted. She mumbled something after. "So I don't know who you are, but if you touch one of us..." I sit on the branch while Nene hangs from it. "You will get more than 'burned'," I warned them. "Pardon me, but you aren't terribly convincing." The mustache fish told us "Yeah, it's true!" The other one added. I heard the branch break a bit.

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