Chapter 3 ONI Sword Base

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July 26, 2552. 11:26 Hours

Two Falcons soared over the ice shelf's of Reach, ONI Sword Base carved into the glacial mountains. Despite its natural defenses, Sword was under attack, Covenant invading the base with extreme prejudice. In the lower atmosphere above the surface was a Covenant Corvette, the enormous spacecraft heading the invasion. The deep violet exterior of the ship clashed with the silver sky and icy plains, so obviously alien and out of place on this world. . .

Noble Team was en route to the landing platforms, the Falcons evading plasma fire as they neared the base. Aris glanced beside him to Noble Two, the female Spartan attempting to access the data drive they'd taken from Visegrad.

Aris: Still trying to crack that thing?

Kat: There's so much encryption it's damn near impossible.

Sword Control: (com) Be advised, kilo-three-three and kilo-three-four, your current LZ is too hot!

Carter: Roger that. Dot, standby to recieved and respond.

Auntie Dot: Yes, commander. . . Coordinates received. Initiate immediate course correction.

The Falcons changed course as the artificial intelligence responsible for Reach's defenses began the debriefing.

Auntie Dot: The Office of Naval Intelligence Sword Base is presently under siege from a corvette-class Covenant vessel. Due to the sensitive nature of this facility, use of orbital rounds has been, for the moment, prohibited. Regrettably, my efforts to obtain relevant data on enemy forces have been unsuccessful. However, current defensive forces are insufficient. ONI has requested Team Noble's direct intervention to help secure Sword Base.

The aircrafts flew over a large hill and descended over the base, Covenant skirmishing with Reach's Rangers below.

Carter: Alright people, we're stuck with that ship for the time being. Let's focus on the hostile infantry. Give those troopers a hand. Kat, Six: you're out here. Jorge, Emile: you're next, get prepped.

Noble Two cocked her Magnum

Kat: Let's move, Rookie!

Aris: Are you going to do that during combat too?!

He loaded his Grenade Launcher as she gave him an incredulous look, the two hopping out of the Falcon as they passed over the LZ. The Spartans quickly advanced toward the overpass separating them from the courtyard, gunshots and plasma bolts filling the air.

Carter: (com) Kat, Aris, push back the attack on Sword Base, find out what we're dealing with.

Kat: Roger that, we're your strike team.

A few Grunts rushed beneath the walkway while Jackals shot at them from atop it! Kat easily dispatched the Grunts while a single grenade bounced onto the overpass and blew away the Jackals! A Major Elite shot at them from the right ramp while Jackals tried moving in from the left! Kat rushed the Elite and drew her AR, pelting lead into it before slamming the butt of the weapon into the Major and breaking its ribs, all while Aris sprint up the left side. He barged into a Jackal, knocking its shield up before jamming his knife into its neck, quickly turning to blast the others with a grenade!

Sword Control: (com) Spartans, hostiles north.

Aris: Tell me something I don't know!

Nobles Two and Six advanced along their separate sides, raining lead on Jackals and Grunts in the courtyard!

Kat: Let's knock some heads, Rookie!

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