Chapter 34

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We made our way to the battlefield, if one could call it that. It was extremely small compared to the other gyms, and barely had enough room to fit a Wailord, let alone a Dynamax Pokemon.

"Little snug compared to everyone else," I commented. "Makes you wonder why." Piers scowled. I smirked. The best way to get an opponent off-balance is to get under their skin. Getting into their head was better, but I didn't have the time before the battle to do that, so getting him pissed off and losing his cool was my best shot at tipping the scales in my favor.

"This'll be a three-on-three battle," Marnie said, standing to the side of the court. Behind her, almost the whole population of Spikemuth was standing behind a chain-link fence, jeering and blowing their ridiculous Y-shaped horns. Their insults didn't shake me; I'd learned to block out the crowds a long time ago.

"Each trainer'll have the use of three Pokemon each," Marnie continued. "The battle'll be over when all 3 of a trainer's Pokemon is unable to battle. I'll stand as referee. Trainers, bring out your partners!"

"Obstagoon, let's rock this foolish trainer," Piers said, flinging a Dusk Ball onto the court. Instantly, a huge black and white Pokemon appeared, with bulging muscles and thick skin. Not to sound like a child, but I may have whimpered a bit upon seeing it.

Obstagoon. A dual Normal and Dark type. Weak to Bug, Fighting and Fairy types. I reminded myself. I'd been memorizing every single Gym Leader's Pokemon, but I just wasn't expecting Obstagoon to be so big.

The ability Intimidate lowers a Pokemon's attack stat once it enters the battle, so pick someone with high attack power to counter that. I'd had time to memorize every Gym Leader's Pokemon, but I completely forgot about their Abilities. Ugh, I was way off my game today.

Upon seeing the opponent I immediately knew who to choose first. "Skrelp, I choose you!" Tossing out the luxury ball, my beloved Poison and Water type appeared in a flash of golden sparkles.

For a moment, I thought Piers was choking. Then, I heard a childish snort come from his nose. Suddenly he doubled over with laughter, gripping his microphone stand for support. Giggling relentlessly and pointing at my Skrelp, he hooted and fell onto his side, rolling around laughing.

Everyone in Spikemuth was laughing right alongside him, leaning on each other for support or snorting through their two-ended horns. Even Pier's Obstagoon seemed to be chortling in amusement. Only Marnie wasn't laughing, and she was looking at me with concerned eyes.

Skrelp looked nervous, and he turned around to look at me. His red eyes were full of fear. I looked at Piers, who was still on his hands and knees laughing. I glared in his direction, then knelt down and looked Skrelp in the eyes.

"Don't worry about them," I smiled, touching his baby blue mock-kelp leaves with a hand. "When they laugh, it gives you an advantage. They aren't expecting your strength, or your power. That's when you can take them by surprise and prove them wrong." Skrelp looked down for a moment, then looked back at me and nodded, determination replacing the fear in his eyes. "Good," I grinned, and stood. "Now let's show this hot-shot what he's in for."

Piers had recovered from his laughing fit, but was still leaning on his microphone for support. Wiping his eyes a little, he cleared his throat and tried to get his dignity back. "I-I'm sorry," he wheezed, "D'you really expect that tiny little thing to win against Obstagoon? He could squish it like a Bug type!"

"First of all, it's called a Skrelp, and it's a he," I snapped. "Second; Real mature. What a gym leader, showing so much respect for his challengers and their Pokemon."
"Oh, I do, but I don't respect thieves. They don't have honor or morals," he shot back. "Watch yourself," I warned. "This thief has the skills to steal anything from anyone and you wouldn't even know I was there. Stuff like your motorcycle jacket."

Project: Titans -- A Pokemon Story (OC x Piers)Where stories live. Discover now