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Tw/ same as last chapter

Mature audiences only, [18+].

Carinas POV

As we lay in bed together, I turn to face her, looking into her blue eyes. "You know I'd never lay a hand on you, right? I... I don't know what came over me. I had to protect you, and myself. I'd never do that to you. We both grew up in households like that... and I can promise you I would never do that. I love you Maya."

She looks up at me, nodding her head. "Baciami" she says to me, in broken Italian. I smile, "you've been working on your Italian, eh?" I say. She smiles, I lean in to kiss her. Our noses touch, and I wince. "Oh my god I'm sorry. I forgot." She says, looking at me with pitiful eyes. "It's probably broken." I say. "I can have Jackson realign it in the morning." I add. 

"You look kinda sexy with a broken nose." Maya says, smirking at me. "Oh stop it." I reply. She leans in and kisses me again, this time more carefully as to not hurt me. My hand makes its way under the covers to her shorts, and under the band. "Car" she moans. 

I slowly move two fingers up her folds, and then stop at her clit, making slow lazy circles around it as I kiss her. She moans into my mouth as I speed up. "Shh. Y/N is down the hall." I says to her. I put one hand over her mouth, as I move my other hand from her clit down. I move my fingers up her folds again, her wetness coating my fingers. 

Without warning, I slip two fingers in her, moving them slowly in and out. I place my thumb on her clit, circling it. I can see her eyes roll back in her head, her fingers on her nipples. I feel her walls clench around my fingers. "Not yet baby, patience." I whisper. 

I edge her for a few more minutes, before whispering in her ear, "Cum for me Maya". Her screams are muted by my hand over her mouth. After she comes down from her orgasm, i take my fingers out and lick them clean. 

She must've noticed the bruises on my knuckles, she takes my hand in hers and examines my knuckles. "Car, get this checked out too love. We don't want to lose these million dollar hands." She says smiling. "I'll have Link look at them in the morning." I say.  

A few moments of silence pass before she says "have you ever thought about getting married?". Oh wow. She basically just popped the bug question. "I don't really believe in marriage. I think love doesn't need to be bound by the law. These last two year with you have been the best, and in my mind we're sort of already married.". 

Mayas POV 

She doesn't believe in marriage? "I understand that. I mean, what's the hurt in doing it anyways? Maybe a firehouse wedding? It can be small." I say. She bites her lip. "Isn't family suppose to be a big part of weddings? I don't really have much family left. My mammas gone, Andreas gone, I haven't seen my dad since I left Italy when I was 18..." she trails off. 

"It doesn't have to be about family. Neither of us have a great history with family anyways. I just love you and want only you for the rest of my life." I say, smiling at her. She smiles back, "Oh Bambina me too. I just don't get why it has to be a legal thing. People like us weren't even allowed to get married until recently. If it's something you want to do though, I'll do it." She responds. 

So is this a yes? Wait do I have to ask y/n? Would she be my kid? "We can talk about it later, it's not necessarily something we have to do, i was just wondering." I say as I scorch closer to her, laying my head on her chest. "Goodnight my love" she says, as I fall asleep.

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