Another blessing to count

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Four months later

Carinas pov

"Y/n, Maya and I wanted to talk to you about something." I say on FaceTime with her. She keeps doing her stretches "what are you, pregnant?" She asks laughing. "Actually, yeah" I reply. "What?" Y/n answers with a huge smile. "I'm gonna have another little sister?" She asks raising her eyebrows. "Or a brother" Maya adds laughing.

"Congrats mama and mom! I'm so happy!" Y/n says. "Annie did you hear that?" Y/n says, "yes! Congrats guys!" Annie says coming into camera view. She's wearing a sports bra and shorts like y/n, Mayas right. There's definitely something going on but the way they steal glances when the other isn't paying attention.

"Mama can we talk for a second? Alone? Sorry Maya." Y/n says, "of course y/n, I get it." Maya says grabbing Lu and heading downstairs. Is she gonna tell me she's dating Annie? It's obvious. "Mama... I.. ugh this is hard. I want Maya to by my second mama, she already is but like it isn't legal and I want it to be? Ugh this is so hard to word, she's like..." I cut her off with a smile.

"Bambina, we talked about that a few months ago but she didn't want to ask in case it made you uncomfortable. The process isn't too long at all, we can get the paperwork and fill it out, and then we can go to court to make it official when you're home in a month." I say smiling, hiding my worries about her father. "Really?" She says smiling. "Sí, really." I reply.

"I gotta get to practice, but I love you all, especially my littlest sister." She says with a smile. "We love you too, y/n." I say before hanging up.

I head downstairs and see Luna running circles around the kitchen island. "She just.." I start. "I was listening, neither of you are necessarily quiet." Maya says, cutting me off. Her face painted with a smile as she makes sandwiches for lunch. She puts the plates in the table and wraps her arms around me, kissing my shoulder. She places her hand on my stomach gently. "Our little family is growing." She whispers. "Sí" I reply, turning to kiss her.

"I'm glad we finally told her" I say, looking down to see my very small, but present bump. "Me too, and I'm glad she wants a second mama." She replies. "Luna!" She yells in a silly voice, picking her up as Luna giggles. "Mom" Luna says. "Yes! Mom! And who's that?" Maya asks pointing to me. "Mama" she replies holding her arms out so i can hold her.

I holds her on her hip. "And you're going to be a big sister! But you don't know what I'm saying!" Maya says in a baby voice.

"I hope she naps today. These hormones are driving me crazy." I say, placing lu in her chair for lunch. "Oh... are they?" Maya replies, biting her lip.

We eat, and Luna goes to play on the carpet. "We have our 28 week tomorrow, 2pm". I say, "I'll be in your office at 1:30." Maya replies. Since she's the captain, her schedule is more lenient. I sit to play with Luna, but instead she yawns and puts her head on my thigh. "Do you wanna take a nap?" I ask pushing her blonde hair out of her face. She says yes, so I bring her upstairs and place her in her crib, it takes a few minutes, but she falls asleep.

Mayas pov

I watch her walk back downstairs . "we have like an hour. Get upstairs, on the bed, bra and underwear." I command, licking my lips at the sight of her smile. She heads upstairs, which gives me a few minutes to put the plates in the dishwasher and clean up lunch.

As I get closer to our bedroom, I hear buzzing, and the sound of carinas light moans. I stand outside the door for a second before opening it and walking in, the sight alone is enough to make me cum. Her legs are spread, her vibrator between them, one hand is gripping the sheets and the other is on her swollen boobs. Her hair is delicately laid behind her.

She tries to pull her wrist away but I stop her. "Make yourself cum. I want you to know how much better I am." I say. I strip, reaching into the top drawer of the nightstand, grabbing her favorite strap on. It's small and blue, but it vibrates on both ends.

She sees it and moans slightly, taking the vibrator and dipping it into her self. "Do you see how wet I am for you, baby? I can wait to cum on your cock." She says, her hips thrusting off the mattress. She cums quickly, turning the vibrator on and all her attention to me. I bite my lip while sliding the straps on. I get on the bed between her legs and she wraps her legs around my waist, pulling me closer.

I slowly slide into her, letting her get used to the short length. I turn the vibrations on and we both moan, I slowly pull out before thrusting back into her. I start to speed up, her moans getting dirtier. We both hear crying from Luna's room and sigh. I pull out completely and slide the straps off, I pull a large shirt on and walk to Luna's room.

She grabs my shirt as I pick her up, resting her head on my chest. I sit in the rocking chair and rock her until the crying stops. "Mama is not happy with you right now, but it's okay Luna bug. She will get what she wants in a few minutes, because you're falling asleep again, aren't you?" I whisper while rocking Her.

I feel her breathing slow, and her grips on my shirt loosen. I lightly place her back in her crib with her blanket and a clean pacifier. "Now please stay asleep for at least an hour." I whisper again, kissing her head.

I walk back into the room and Carina is gone. "Babe?" I whisper, looking into the bathroom to see her on her knees near the toilet. "Oh car" I say sadly, sitting beside her and tying her long hair back. I hear Carina cry softly. "All I wanted was to have great sex with my wife, but then Luna woke up, and now I'm nauseous and.." "it's okay babe, it's the hormones." I say, rubbing her back as she dry heaves.

She eventually throws up her lunch, still crying. I hate throw up, but I didn't tell Carina that. The sounds alone make me nauseous, but if me being here makes my wife feel even a little bit better, I'll sacrifice my sanity.

She slowly stands up, flushing the toilet and brushing her teeth. "Do you want something else to eat? I can make you something small." I say, still rubbing her back. "Can I just have some saltines please?" She says, I smile, "of course, tea?" I ask. "Sí, please." She says. "Yes ma'am" I reply before heading downstairs. She follows shortly, and I hand her her cup of chamomile tea and some saltines.

She rests her head on my shoulder as I pull out my book. I read it slowly, stroking her back with my other hand. "Grazie, Bambina." She says softly. "Anything for you, vita mia" I reply.

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