where'd the time go?

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5 month Time skip!!

Y/N's pov 

Maya was transferred to a long term facility, my mamma said her documents said if she didn't wake up in 2 years, to let her go. My mamma didn't necessarily agree with it, but couldn't do anything about it. It's been about 5 months.

My mamma is 8 months pregnant, she and Maya decided to have another kid before all of this went down. Maya doesn't even know she's about to have a kid. My mamma... well, she's been very down. She doesn't do much, just works, cooks, and sleeps. She rarely smiles, never cracks any jokes. It seems to me that she's not living, just surviving.

"Mamma, can we see Maya today?" I ask. She nods her head at me, "Sure. I'm headed to work now, but I'll be done around 5. I can come pick you up then, is that okay?" 

3 week Time skip!! 

Carinas pov 

Just as I enter the hospital for my last day of work before my leave, my water breaks. I've been having contractions since last night, I had just hoped they were false. I'm truly about to have a baby on my own, again. 

Jo comes into my room, measuring how dilated I am, and asking if I'd like an epidural. I say no, because I want this to be as natural as possible. It's how I did it with y/n.

8 month time skip Time Skip!! 

As I hold my blonde haired, blue eyed baby girl on my hip, I make  breakfast for y/n. She's committing d1 for soccer today, and I couldn't be more proud. A full scholarship, because of grades and athletics. My Bambina is perfect. 

"Mamma, your phone won't stop ringing." Y/n yells from upstairs. "Coming" I yell back, and walk upstairs. "Dr Carina Bishop-Deluca speaking" I say, "hi this is Laura from..." it's the receptionist from the facility Maya is at. "I know I haven't visited in a while, I have an 8 month old and a senior in high school and I'm a surgeon and ..." I start, but she cuts me off.

"Maya is awake. She's responsive, but we're not sure how her memory was affected". My heart beats out my chest. This is the day I've been waiting for. "I'm on my way right now." I say,  

"Y/n. Maya is awake." I yell. She bursts out of her room, and takes her sister out of my arms. "Go, Mamma. Go get your girl." I smile wide, and run downstairs and to the car. 

I run in the double doors, down the hall and to her room. She with Amelia, Tom, and some nurses. "Bella" I say, smiling. She looks at me, and then at Amelia and Tom. "That's your wife. Do you know what her name is?" Tom says. "I have a wife?" She answers. Oh god.

They move her to Grey-Sloan, and I call y/n to tell her what happened. "How come I don't remember my wife, but I remember her kid?" She says to Shepherd. "The brain is a very complicated place." She responds. "I'm sorry I don't remember you. I wish I did." Maya says to me.

I take my phone out of my pocket, and open my camera roll. I open the folder labeled "Maya💗" and flip through the images with her. "This is us at the bar across the street, and this is us on our first vacation together, oh there's you and y/n in my office". 

She doses off, and I talk to Shepherd for a bit before falling asleep in a chair next to her bed. It's going to take a lot of recovery for her, whether she knows who's helping her or not. 

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