why me

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A month later

Mayas pov

Y/n's eating habits haven't changed, I told Car about it a week ago and she's trying to help but I know she doesn't know what it's like.

Y/N grabs her soccer bag, and I grab the keys. "I can take you to practice, your mom is asleep." I say. As we slowly drive to the fields, I turn to her and say "I'm only bringing this up because I love you, but your mom and I are really worried about your eating." 

She sighs, "Maya I appreciate the concern but I'm fine. Really". I bite my lip, "I had a problem in high school. My dad was really hard on me about track. He pushed me to my limits, we practiced everyday and he basically controlled what I ate. It got so bad that I was hospitalized because I passed out on a run. I just wanted to let you know I know what it's like, and that I'm here for you." A tear escapes my eye.

"Maya I'm so sorry. I didn't know" she says, I grab her hand with my free hand and say "I don't tell a lot of people about it, I'm not even sure your mom knows. I just love and care about you so much I wouldn't want to see that happen to you." I say.

About 15 minutes later, we pull up to the fields. "Be safe y/n" I say, she nods her head and thanks mw for the ride.

A few hours later she gets in the car, grass stains and dirt covering her legs. We talk about practice for a little before I say "Would you be okay if I asked your mom to marry me?". She smiles, "of course Maya" she responds. I smile back. 

I pull a ring out of the center console. "That's.. beautiful." She says staring at it. "I'm taking her out to dinner Friday, and proposing after at the beach nearby. That's where we had our first date." I explain. 

Her smile gets wider, "that's adorable maya, I can stay at a friends house that night so..." she says to me. I roll my eyes and bite my lip. "That would be... appreciated". 


We walk out of the restaurant and down to the nearby beach, it's a beautiful night. There isn't a cloud in the sky, and the stars are so clear. I reach in my suit pocket and grab the box, when we get to the beach she stares off at the ocean for a while. 

I get down on one knee and say "Carina, I love you. I can't imagine my life without you and y/n. So please, Marry me." She smiles and says "I'll marry you", and helps me up. After a passionate kiss she says "that was the proposal plan?" Jokingly. 

I laugh and say, "I thought this wasn't a big thing". She laughs and kisses me again. As I drive us back to our house, she places her hand on my thigh. "I love you Bambina." She says. I smile, "I love you too, mia moglie" in butchered Italian.

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