what's next?

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A week later 

Carinas pov 

As I'm making coffee with Maya, Y/N comes down the stairs dressed for a run. "Maya, I'm going for a run. Do you wanna come?" She asks her. I watch as Mayas face lights up, "I'd love to. Give me 10 minutes." 

It seems like everything is getting back to normal here. Maya isn't back at work yet, but it's something we haven't even discussed yet. They head out, and I'm left with Luna. I pick her up from her height-chair and hold her on my hip while I make breakfast.

I set her back in her chair to feed her, as Maya and y/n come back. "Perfect timing, breakfast is ready." I say smiling. Maya kisses me on the cheek, and starts feeding Luna. Y/n heads upstairs to take a shower, so I figure now is the time to ask Maya about work.

"Have you thought about going back to the Station? I mean, don't get me wrong I love having you home. I don't want to lose any more time with you, and waking up to you every morning is all I ever wanted. I just figured, you love work, you know?" I say while Maya eats. 

"I have thought about it, and I'm not sure if I even want to go back." Her response throws me for a loop. "What do you mean?" I respond. "I've missed eight months of Luna's life, and eight months with you and Y/N. I do love work, I just don't think I need to go back.".

I pour myself another cup of coffee before saying "you could always volunteer at the station if you missed it. It's not like we need the funds from it either". "I love that idea" Maya says. 

I guess she's staying home now. I love this idea, but I don't want Maya to feel like she has to because of Luna. Yes, it was hard with just me at home but that's how it is having working parents. 

Y/N comes downstairs, and eats breakfast with us. Maya looks at me, and then at her. I don't know what she means, so I furrow my brows before cleaning some dishes. "Can I go to my friends house for the night?" Y/n asks, to which I respond "of course Bambina".

A few hours later 

"She's eating a lot better know." Maya says. I look down, smiling. "Yeah, when you were at the hospital she got a lot worse. I kept telling her to think about what you'd say, and she just wanted to make you proud. She got better because of you Bella." 

Maya kisses me gently, before my phone timer goes off. I have to go in to work. "Bella, I'm going to work. I'll be back around 9pm, give and take." I say. "Give OR take." Maya corrects me. I can't help but smile. I missed her correcting my small mistakes, she never looked at me Differently because of it.

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