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Carinas pov

"Is everyone ready?" I yell up the stairs. "Yes mama" Lu replies. She comes down the stairs with Maya, all decked out in her Stanford gear. We're going to watch y/n's game today at Washington. She doesn't know we're coming, but we told Annie.

The drive is not long at all, but I can tell Maya is nervous. We're going to tell y/n she's pregnant today. She's showing now, and she deserves to know. I know Maya is worried about the baby, I am too. But worrying isn't going to do anything good.

I put my hand on her stomach, gently rubbing it. She smiles, finally. When we make it to the field, they're still warming up. We're going to tell her after, I'm not sure how she's going to take it.

We sit with Annie's dad, Maya has on an oversized sweatshirt so I'm pretty sure he doesn't know. We talk about the girls, and the team for a little before the game starts.

Watching y/n always makes me nervous. I'm her mother, of course I'm worried. She always gives her all, and I'm so proud of her.

Y/ns pov

I saw my moms in the crowd during warm ups. They didn't tell me they were coming, and I'm so excited to see them. It's hard being away from home, but I love school. I love being with Annie, and I love playing soccer.

I've been in nearly the whole game, which isn't surprising. We don't have another goalie who's as good as me. They haven't scored yet, thank god. I'm hoping I can hold them off the whole game.

The game eventually ends, we won 3-0. Annie scored once, I'm so proud of her. She didn't really play last year, but she worked hard over the summer and earned her spot this year. After a quick huddle, we're allowed to go see our families for a little. Annie and I walk over to our families hand in hand.

I basically jump into my mamas arms. I miss her so much. "Hi Bambina" she says, hugging me. I hug Maya too, she's a little distant which is weird but I don't really think anything of it. After we talk for a little, Annie and her dad head inside to use the bathroom.

Lu is clinging onto my leg. I miss her, and I feel bad that I'm not home with her. "Bambina can we talk to you about something?" My mama says. "Yes?" I reply. Her tone is kinda scaring me. My mama grabs Mayas hand. Maya clears her throat before looking at me. "I'm pregnant." She says.

I smile, looking over at my mama who's smiling so wide. "Oh my god! Congrats!" I say, hugging her. I pull my mama into the hug too. "How far along are you?" I ask, she pulls up her sweatshirt, showing the small bump, "just about five months. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, I was so nervous and I..." she starts rambling but I cut her off.

"I'm so happy for you guys." I say, hugging Maya again. "I get another little sister! Or maybe a little brother. Either way they're gonna be good at soccer, right lu?" I say. She agrees. Annie comes back, and I can't help but tell her immediately. I'm so excited for them.

It's weird being this much older, I'm so excited for my moms. I know they've always wanted a family of their own. I'm not saying I'm not in the family, but I'm at school. I'm happy Maya finally gets to experience this. She missed basically lu's entire first year. Things are finally turning around for them and I'm so excited.

Eventually, we have to get on the bus and head back to campus. It's hard saying bye, especially since I probably won't see them for a few weeks. My hugs feel extra tight.

Carinas pov

Luna cries as we put her in the car to go back home. She misses y/n. It's sweet, but it also makes me sad. Sometimes I get lost in thought, thinking about what would've been if y/n had a sibling their own age. I feel bad for her. She had to grow up so fast, being raised by a single parent as an immigrant. I'm proud of her.

Lu eventually cried herself to sleep. I put my hand on Mayas leg as I drive us back home. It's not a far drive, it's in Seattle. "I'm really proud of you. For telling her." I whisper to her, rubbing my hand on her leg. "Carina" she replies. "What?" I say, turning to her. I realize that subconscious my hand was higher than I thought it was. "We're almost home, Lu will probably nap for a little." I say.

Ever since she got pregnant her sex drive has been crazy. I'm not complaining, but it's something I've never seen out of her.

I pull into the driveway and park the car. After gently unbuckling Luna, I bring her upstairs and set her in her bed. She snuggles up to her blanket, and quickly falls back asleep. Before I can even look for Maya, she's pulling me into our room.

"Someone's needy." I say, pulling her shirt off. "Someone's a tease." She replies as I push her onto the bed.

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