Kellin Quinn

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This is going to be the first part of all the bullies. Basically it is just going to clarify what their life was when they were younger.

DISCLAIMER: This is story, and a finfiction. Nothing is real and never hapened, forasmuchasIknow. PleasedonothateonmeorkellininthisstorybcIsaidso. Please.

Third POV

Kellin didn't have a great family at a young age. He was taught to never be below people.

He was told that if he ever got in a fight he had to be superior. He couldn't back down.

It also scared him. He never wanted to be superior but he had to. If he got beat up by someone he would have bad flash blacks.

His mother, or his father. Either one scared the crap out of him.

His mother was an abusive drunk. And she was always drunk, she was an acholic.

His father was homophobic and didn't like the fact that he was with Vic.

His father would kill him if he found out he was with Vic. His father would kill him if he found out he looked at Vic.

Kellin had and arm sleeve of tattoos and half a sleeve on his other arm. He had 12 individual little tattoos displayed across his chest.

He only had them because his parents wanted him to seem tough.

His boyfriend was the only one, sadly, who he could breakdown with.

Vic was the only one kellin could show any other emotion other than anger, or no emotion at all.

Vic was the only one who would hold his shaking, sobbing self. Vic was the only one who knew his home life. Vic was the only one who would tell him he isn't pathetic, and that he isn't a mistake, and that he was loved, by Vic. Vic saved his life. Vic is saving his life. Vic is going to save his life.

Vic would hug him when he needed it.

His parents, or his mother mostly, added a new bruise -to his chest and arms, and sometimes even to his face- everyday. Kellin was so close to loosing it at most times.

In school he beat the shit out of one kid. The kid had annoyed him, he had reminded him of his parents and kellin didn't like it one bit. So kellin just pounded him. Kellin hurt him in ways he never hurry someone else.

And that night Vic held him. Vic held onto his sobbing boyfriend who shook, and sobs racked his body. Vic knew that kellin was sort of a bad person, but he knew he had his reasons. Vic knew everything about kellin.

He even knew the first time kellin got hit, for hurt, for changed, got ruined.

~~~~~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~~~~~~~
It was kellin's 11th birthday he was in school and people were bringing him down.

He may have been in 6th grade but that still didn't change anything.

His school was connected to the highschool.

That day kellin had come home with bruises all over his body. He was beaten and battered, and he was called a 'worthless fag' all day and told that he was to pathetic to have one person care for him.

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