Bullies/chapter 5

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So im thinking of adding a few Youtubers to the cast, so just tell me right here who you think i sould put, or if you agree with who im putting

-Casper Lee

-Joe Sugg


-Marcus Butler

-SuperWoman (Aka Lilly Singh or iisuperwomanii)

-Connor Franta

-Tyler oakley

-Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell)

-AmazingPhil (Phil Lester)

If you have any suggestions than comment away, so now onto the short story, hope you like it.

Third POV

Some people may not seem happy at times, but they are. Some people arent in general happy, but they seem to always have something that gives them a great escape, that puts at least a litte smile on there face.

Someone can be sad as hell, but hey, they probably have an escape. Maybe a boyfriend, a band, a youtuber, or a singer. Someone may not admit it to themselves but they always have a great escape.
Ashton looked at Michael and he got a huge smile on his face. Michael was Ashton's great escape.
Ashton couldn't compare anyone to michael. Michael was perfection in Ashton's eyes, again, no one could compare to the beautiful boy. He was amazing.

Ashton never realized the look in his eyes when he looked at Michael, but when Michael looked at him the way Ashton looked at Michael, he knew the look was familiar.

The great escape was something every one had. Weather you be super peppy or super sad.

So the next day when Michael walked back into his old school he though of his great escape.

Change was something important.

Change isn't bad it could be good. And all Michael wanted to see is change in Ashton's old bullies, so that why he is walking into this stupid school again.

It had only been a year since they got out of school.

Michael knew that Ashton's old bullies would be in the school. He knew they all stayed back.

Michael wouldn't say they were all bullies, but they defiantly weren't the nicest and it wasn't just toward Ashton.

He remembers all of Ashton's bullies. Kellin, Pete, Tony, zack, and Beau.

They were all gay except for Tony , yet they beat ashton up.

Michael never uderstood this, but wjatever they chose to do is what happened. All of them stopped at a certain point. Kellin stopped when Vic wanted him to. Pete stopped when patrick wanted him to, which pete was especially head over heals for. Zack stopped for Jack, and lastly Beau stopped for daniel.

They all had been bullied. Michael new all of them were outcasts before they were bullies. he knew there life outside of school and he never told anyone. he felt bad for them.
He knows he shouldn't feel bad for them but he did. and that was that.

Okay I know this is really short but this was just kind of a little thing to show you guys what's next
In the next few updates I'm going to tell you about all the bullies' past's
And also here you can put the questions for each person but after I put up the bullies' past's I'll put there names so u can ask them question kk? Kk.
Zack (this is allowed just bc)
And that's it so yeah I guess I'll answer after a few updates so in like a month or two

And dedicated to giliclifford bc ahe wanted the character ask, so ya. Peace.

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