Pete wentz

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Okay, This might be happier than kellin's stroy, or worse. So i dont know. Sorry if its short i have parcc testing this week and i cant sleep so I have to go to the doctors bc my mom wants to know if im okay. And i have a massive headache and ughhhhh. But enough 'bout me, cuz im not that important, onto the story. 

Third POV

A lot of people are happy in the world.
A lot of people are sad in the world.

In Pete's school there were 20 attempts of suicide in the one year.

This had been before he became a bully, well before he was a full blown bully.

He had transfered schools after that year.

The first person to attempt suicide in the school that year was, in fact, Pete Wentz.

19 of those attempts were achieved. But Pete was 'special'
He was the only one that didn't actually commit suicide.

It would have been a  sad way to die, it really would have been. Pete tried everything.

He swallowed pills, but there ended up only being 8. So he tried the next thing.


But the drugs in his system just gave him a huge cut that had to be stitched up.

The next thing was a rope. So with blood running down his arm and drugs in his system, Pete set up the rope and the chair.
But again, the drugs messed it up. He was so high that he did the whole set up wrong, and ended up slowly choking himself.
His parents found him before he could completely die though.

Pete hated it.

All these other kids got to die so easily, yet it was the hardest thing for him to do, apparently.

Later that year, Pete realized he couldn't deal with it anymore, so he changed schools.
And decided to never let somebody be rude to him.
Let anyone judge him, but no one would touch him.

In the midst of this Pete had Patrick.

Patrick was there from the start. And when he found out that Pete tried to kill himself, he told Pete.

The day Pete tried to kill himself was the day that Patrick and Pete shares there first kiss.

It was the day Pete found someone who made his life special.

To Pete there was just something so special about Patrick being in his life.

There defiantly was something special between the two boys.

No body could top there relationship.

Maybe in other relationships  a smile or a giggle would make the other smile. But with there relationship a smile and a giggle made their whole day.

Pete remembered the day that him and Patrick met. It was probably the best and worst day of Pete's life.

Pete had come out to the school.

To his parents.

To his family.

Pete's parents were fine with it, but his family wasn't.

Pete was crying on the side of this alley way.

He had just told his family that he was gay. Then all of a sudden he was being pushed, literally, out of the house.

He heard some rustling and then foot steps. Then a soft voice.

"Hey are you okay?" The voice said.

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