ChApTeR tHrEe {the carnival}

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Read the A/N at the end. Sorry for not updating :(

Third POV

Both boys walked out the door. Not realising they were still holding hands from when michael was helping ashton off the couch.

They stepped onto the porch and looked at Luke and Calum. The two boys were making out, not realising that they were in public, or the fact that michael and ashton were there staring at them.

The sand brown haired boy coughed, making the two boys jump apart.

The two boys looked disheveled, Calums raven black hair looking a bit of a mess considering Luke was running his hand through it.

"Did we intterupt something" Michael asked playfully, knowing they did considering the two boys tended to be close to having sex in public a lot.

Both boys blushed looking down when they looked up luke looked inbetween the to boys saying "Ummmm, is there something we missed inbetween you two"

"No why?" Michael asked, not realising why the blue eyed boy was wondering if somethng happened between them.

"Well, you guys are holding hands" Calum stated pointing inbetween the two boys where there hands were intertwined.

The boys looked down realising they were holdinh hands, and blushed, letting go of eachothers hands.

"So lets go to that carnival, yeah"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Carnival~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When the boys got to the carnival they looked around. It was way different from last years carnival.

The lights were britght and flashing every where. The best time to go to the carnival was at night, especially when going on the rides.

The carnival was also in a much bigger than last year, There were many more rides and you could tell that it took a while to set up. In the distanc you could hear the sound of lions, elephants, bears, dogs, tigers, and more. The big tent was set up in the middle. The red and white stripe pattern showing that it was probably some clown thing. You could see the purple sighn that had white face on it with a red nose, blue and green designs painted on its face, with orange hair.

To be honest Michael didn't like clowns but he always came every year just for Ashton.

The fact that clowns had orange and blue and green and many colors of hair, even though Michael also did, it freaked him out because it was an afro and he doesn't like the fact that they were make up and the red lips creeped him out.

Ashton pulled him through the big light up sign. Luke and calum had already ran off and they probably wouldn't find them, and if they did they would probably be behind a booth. Making out.

So Michael and Ashton went to the ring toss, the water squirter (or what ever its called) and many more.

They had walked so it was two tends walking through a carnival with a bunch of stuffed animals. Michael had gotten a friend for Daniel; the lion, and a kangaroo;which Ashton said he won because it was a symbol for Ashton and Ashton got kitten becuase a kitten was a symbol of Mikey.

The two boys liked the carnival because if u had to many stuffed animals you could put them in a big locker you got which you could step in if you wanted down and the

They opened there locker and threw in the 3foot stuffed animals.

When they went back out side they saw the sun had gone down and the carnival looked beautiful with the lights flashing all over the place and the rides needing covered in Neron green, yellow, pink, purple, and blue lights.

Ashton dragged Michael to all the roses the boys could possibly go to.

When they finally meet with the boys they realized it was getting late and compromised they would leave in about an hour.

When Ashton went to the bathroom Michael quickly asked the boys what he could do to ask Ashton out on the date he had wanted to go on with him for a few years.

And they just told him to do the cheesiest thing in the book.

So when Ashton came back from the bathroom Michael grabbed his hand and led him to the big light up bright ride.

They walked up the isle with the sound of carnival music playing and they hoped on the metal part way to the big ferris wheel.

"What are we doing here" Ashton asked

"Were going on a ride" Michael said walking up the pathway holding anyone hand making him follow along.

When they got to there seats they waited for the ride to start up again.

Michael continued holding Ashton's hand as the ride went to the top.

When it finally reached the highest point of the ride Michael turned to look at Ashton. Who looked back at him confused.

"Ashton?" Michael asked looking at Ashton with curious eyes.

"Yeah Michael"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Ashton blushed and said "I would love to" with a little smile

Michael smiled back at him and have Ashton a quick peck on the lips.

After a minute they realized the ride was over and got off.

They walked back to the couple sitting on the bench sharing cotton candy, their hands still intertwined and luke and calum looked at another knowingly.

They got up grabbed there stuffed animals from the carnival lockers and left both going on different directions.
SorryguysIjustcouldn'tupdatethisweek. IlostmydogwhohadbeenmybestfriendsinceIwas 9 monthsoldanditwashardtocopewith. Ialsogotintoanother fight withmyfriendsoyeahthat'sthat. AndIwrotethisbeforemyfrondsbirthdaypartysoit'sprobablyshort. Sorryguysnextchapterwillbebetter. Ily. There'sapicofmydogsomewhere ⬆or➡ idk. AnywayIalsodyedmyhairsoooowoohooitspinkgalaxyandifuwanttoseeitIputapictureofitinmybookstupidshit. Soyeahbyeguys ly

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