Reborn as...... Tai?(Prologue)

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Hi! My name is Matt, I am just your average disabled 17 year old!.

That came out worse than I thought, I developed polio after my parents chose not to vaccinate me. I have been paralyzed from my waist down since i was 6. I lived a sad life of being sat in a bed not being able to do most active things. So I mostly saw anime and TV shows to keep me occupied. I never really liked games but I really liked music.

Now you all might be thinking why am i speaking in past tense here? I don't think you all realize this but I am dead, I took my own life being done with my parents who don't give a damn about me. Its crazy at this point i should stop talking to myself......

I suddenly felt a jerk and I woke up, I was confused for a second but then realised that reincarnation was real. It was crazy to me, to think conscience can somehow be transferred from one person to another. If this knowledge was widely known.... I cannot imagine what could  happen.

Now that I was done brainstorming.  I decided to try and figure out where I was, I looked down to my clothes and saw that they were a normal yellow shirt and pants. Nothing wrong so far.

I looked to my right and saw desk above which was a charger, that was something I have never seen, it was a different kind of charger connected to some sort of sci-fi slate, I picked it up after removing it from its charger, It had the the text.

"Welcome Taiyang Xialong"

Taiyang, as in Taiyang from rwby? I checked the room and saw a mirror, i made my way to it and saw a blond boy with a slight tan. It took me a second to realize but I just walked!

I could finally walk! I could play with other kids, play soccer, run laps. It was a surreal feeling and I proceeded to run around the room and i was so happy that i didn't realize that I was in one of the most messed up universes in fiction.

I stopped and thought about it for a minute, should I try and live in peace or should i live for the hell of it and become a huntsman and fight a immortal witch who can kill me with a snap of her finger.

I didn't want to mess up the story line cause if I have learned anything the main series would end with the defeat of Salem. And I want to experience the thrill of fighting. Live a peaeful life? Nah. Live a life on the edge and also have a chance to help people and maybe help save the world?Yeah!

I need to get some information, I looked at my scroll and it had no password, I opened and saw all of Tai's information, he was currently thirteen and was about to start signal academy in 2 months. He was a orphan.... 

It was an advantage for me because I had more freedom but I now feel bad for the kid whose body I took. That was the moment I realized that I just hijacked a kids body and don't know what happened to him.

I can't do much about him but I will try and live the best life I can so I can use his life for good.

Then I remembered, Aura!

Aura the manifestation of the soul itself, it gave power to the people itself. I always imagined what it would be like to manipulate aura and do dragon ball z like attacks. I tried to feel it and felt it around me.

It was my aura, I was mesmerized by its beauty and stood there for a solid minute looking at it and feeling it, it felt like a fire that was burning, a fire of a forge, huh

That was weird I have never been in forge, how would I know it was a forge's. Anyway that aside I went back to my plan and directed my conscience to my core or the source of aura in my body. I pulled and directed it to my arms and tried to force it out and it was just flowing. i could neither see it nor was it anything cool. I tried to make a ball but the aura would not follow my command as soon as it left my body.

I was disappointed but decided to train it anyway cause it would be helpful for attacks and movement, like a burst of speed with aura would be quite awesome. I then thought about a weapon. 

What kind of weapon would i use A SWORD what the hell was that.

I meant swords are cool but i swear I heard another voice in my head which was definitely not mine, it felt like my voice but darker?





I kept hearing a voice saying trace on, I don't know what to do in a moment of confusion I yell

"Trace On" and my favorite weapons from any anime was in my hand kanshou and byakuya from the fate series and that was the moment I realized.

I was a magus in RWBY.

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