Chapter 8

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I woke up and it was the day for our teams first mission, we were going to the place known as Blight avenue, from what I have seen from pictures and some goog... I mean dustweb searches is that it is basically a forest that is infested with Grimm, for our team it should be quite easy, with us one of the teachers will come today.

We all went to the launchpad, or bullpad, there we saw professor Abso virtute, he looked even more sleep deprived than normal, we went up to him and greeted him

"It seems team TRQS is here, get into the bullhead and we can start the mission."

We all did as he said and went into the bullhead, we went inside and sat, the bullhead took off and we all waited for professor virtute to brief the mission,

"The mission is a simple Grimm check, we are not to engage unless we are spotted for whatever reason, we are to take a calculation of the Grimm there and see if there are any influxes in Grimm population." He briefed as we all groaned inwards due to the boring mission.

We all waited to reach the location and after about half an hour we reached it, It was filled to the brim with Grimm, I am kinda glad we don't fight now, these place would need a army or me and Gil to exterminate. 

"Lets go" Professor said to us

We all nodded and went outside

"You all are to guard my back and rears, Mr. Xialong you are to use your bow to guard and scout from above, do not shoot unless it is necessary." he said as we all nodded

I was kind of glad I was scouting from above, I still have not forgiven them for yesterday so I there on top of the tree with my bow pulled back. Professor Virtute started to take a full landscape scan. 

After a few minutes Gil started to bug me in the head in her spirit form-

"Hey Tai, when can we go back from this boring place, is this even a mission? your just sitting here with your attention towards all the Grimm that can't even see you, Hey, HEY!" she was really trying her best to bug me.

I was getting annoyed but held it in, I was almost contemplating on using a command seal.

After a few more minutes something happened down low, someone sneezed, from the sound of the sneeze it seemed like it was Summer but that was not important because it grabbed the attention of the Grimm and they started to charge towards us, I used my bow and shot one that was coming directly towards professor.

He started to stand up and said

"Students start exterminating all the Grimms, I can handle the ones on the front, you guard my rears and back, Tai stay where you are and bow them down from above and if need be use that explosion arrow." he gave us instruction as we nodded, he took out a vial of red dust and crushed it? holy shit,

He crushed a vial of dust and now he has literal glowing blades of dust coming from his arms,  no they were not blades, they were more like dust scythes, he started effortlessly cutting through Grimm in the front and we all did our best to handle the ones on the left and right, is this the power level of the teachers?

No, the teachers in canon Rwby either held back a lot or were just that weak. Professor Port I can understand, he got older. But what happened to Professor Abso and Professor Remi?

I shaked it off as I saw a large horde of Grimm I could use Caladbolg on and get rid of with ease.

"Permission to use explosive arrow on the horde that is coming, Sir" I asked in the most soldgier manner

He smirked a little and said

"Permission Granted"

I charged up a Caladbolg and fired it at the Horde

"CALADBOLG" the explosion destroyed all Grimm present in the Horde and we went back to fighting the Grimm normally, I did what I could with only my bow and shot as many Grimms as I could guard others in places they could not.

We were there for a good hour just fighting tirelessly, I used a few more Caladbolgs and we were finally done for the time, I was glad I did not have to reveal Gil this early.

We all got down and heard the professor say

"After the amount we have killed, this place might even be renovated in the future, that is of course if more huntsman come and guard it, nonetheless good job team." he said as he smiled towards us

We all smiled at each other and I stood there smiling until

"I would like to apologize for yesterday, you were suddenly going out everyday so we got worried and failed to notice we were not giving you any privacy." Raven said

"Yeah us to". said Summer speaking for everyone else

I smiled at that and said

"Yeah, I forgive you guys" I said as we went back to the dorms and relaxed, played games and hanged out for the rest of the days.

Author Note

I am thinking of making this story one segment for each event instead of putting them all together so these will now mostly be smaller chapters but they will be more frequent. Thank you for reading

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