Public stunts

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"That is disgusting."
A voice from the crowd interrupts. The man in the weird hat came along. Scaramouche I believe?


"Well, hello Fandango."
Ajax smirked, the girls turned towards Scaramouche.
The girls hurried over to him, taking pictures and videos.

I wrinkled my nose at the sight, how is he popular too?
"At least you have me all to yourself."
Childe said proudly.

I commented sarcastically.
Scaramouche pushed his ways through the girls as the hoard attracted more people.

This shop turned into a celebrity interview.
Scaramouche made his way to me and shook me back and forth.

"Listen, there's a fashion show in a couple months. You're going to help me in the clothing design."
He made it sound more like a demand than anything else.

"And what if I don't?"
I snapped back.

"Then you won't be able to get a free ride to the road of luxury and fame."
Scaramouche said, more people began to surround the shop.

How annoying, if I take this chance I'll be able to work with Ajax. A collaboration between two companies isn't that common.

Meaning would it boost or lower our sales? This was something worth debating.
Scaramouche scrunched his nose.

"We'll get back to you, I'll inform my brother."
Scaramouche rolled his eyes.

"Alright then, ladies and gentlemen were moving out. Let us go my fans."
Everyone in shop erupted and crowds of people followed the social media star out of my shop.

Scaramouche works under the media department, at least that's what Ajax has told me. Hopefully this will prove that I am superior in fashion. Hah, take that Tartaglia.

"That's exciting, at least you get to work under Mr. Fandango."
Ajax teased.

"I will have to alert my brother, if that's it then I suppose I will."
I responded, looking at the time.
It was almost the afternoon.

"Want to go get some food before the day ends? I know a good ramen place."
Ajax smirked at my suggestion.

"Alright lead the way princess."
He said in a flirtatious manner.
"I'll kick you in the balls."
I responded back.


"So about that fashion show?"
Ajax brought up the subject right after we finished ordering.
"Well, I believe Fatui is a winter based company. Maybe something that looks accustomed to winter but gives more free room."

I explained, thinking of designs in my head.
"I think you'll do fine."
Ajax reassured me, smiling brightly.
That bright smile always made me feel some kind of way.

"I love you."
I whispered softly.

"Did you just say you love me? I'm so flattered~"
Ajax teased me, I rolled my eyes.

"What name should I give you? You seem to have quite a couple pet names."
I asked, Ajax pressed his lips together. Forming a straight line.

"I'll call you honey."
I said blankly.

"Honey? Why's that?"
I thought about the question Ajax had just asked.

"I think- you remind me of a pet bunny I had as a kid. He had blue eyes and was grey. His name was Honey because I thought he was a girl until-"
I paused.

Ajax asked, raising a brow.

Someone had knocked on our table, someone as in the waiter. They set down some ramen for us along with chopsticks and then left.

"Why chopsticks."
Ajax groaned.
"Can you not use chopsticks?"
I asked.

"Well a friend tried to teach me but I still fail quite often."
Ajax laughed softly, he really reminded me of Honey.

"So why did you pause? What made you realize it was a boy?"
He asked, beginning to use the chopsticks.

"He banged my brother's bunny."
I said bluntly, Ajax choked.

"Ayo what?"
I nodded my head in response.
"He banged her and then my mom got rid of both rabbits."
I explained.

Ajax nodded his head hesitantly.
"That's interesting."
He giggled, I just slightly tipped my head.
Eyes focused on his, he always carried a beautiful ocean blue color in his eyes.

Damn him, he's too fair to look at.
"You alright? Want to fight?"
He smirks, I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"If I wanted to fight I'd fight Xiao."
Ajax raised a brow, before letting his lips curve into a small smile.

"Very interesting."
He noted, he began to eat while I did the same.


"Thank archons, you were taking so long. Nice to know you brought the ginger."
Scaramouche sarcastically remarked.

"Nice to see you too Fandango."
Ajax responded.

"Alright, break it up. Where's the sample you were thinking of for the show?"
I asked, Scaramouche presents an outfit on a mannequin.

It was a white dress with black fluffy cuffs and a puffy black scarf.
It had a small gold cardigan and was very scattered. Most definitely something I wouldn't wear.

"Okay, what if it had a fluffy jacket, accompanied with faux fur to the hood area. Long sleek black pants and long boots with fur that match the jacket. Make it have a grey jacket with gold buttons, the faux fur needs to be dark grey. The shirt inside should be a simple black shirt with the Fatui brand logo in the top left side of the chest. The fluffy earmuffs should be a dark grey matching the faux fur."
I explained.

It was very classy and simple, something that most wouldn't expect from Fatui.

However, since this is a collaboration I decided to mix my own business into it.

"Oh, but that's what it's just my opinion."
I added.

Scaramouche scrunched his nose, "Alright then ms. Demanding, we have a couple more outfits to design. Your design was alright, we'll keep it."
Scaramouche walked off to go demand more from his workers.

Ajax looked at me with a happy expression.
"That was so cool!"
He cheered.

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