
155 6 3

8月10日(土) 9:37

Me: Hey darling, Ajax? Never mind, the point is I'm sorry. If you want to talk we can, I'm vacant since the fashion show prep is finished. There's still a lot to do, don't get me wrong. Call me? Or text whatever you want I ain't judging. 😊🍑❤️


"What was that "😊🍑❤️" for?"
Aether asked, face filled with confusion.

"Was that too obvious?"
I asked, relooking over the text I had sent seconds ago.

Aether yelled. I ignored his questions and kept my eyes focused on my phone. I received no answer.
Maybe I went too far, I would call him but he could be sleeping.

"Okay, we have some information on Childe."
Xiao interrupted me and my brother's bickering.

"Formal name, Childe. Real name: Tartaglia Ajax. We haven't found anything suspicious the past couple of days but we noticed he entered and left a couple of interesting organizations."

Xiao continued,
"He was last seen waiting at Fatui's bank, the corporate building you guys are in, and we snuck a pick of him with someone on the night you asked for."

Xiao raised his phone and I saw Ajax sitting on a couch while Signora was standing. Facing the window, it seemed like she was annoying Ajax due to his expression.

"How did you get all of this?"
I asked, glancing up at Xiao.
"I run a business, let's no say it aloud."
He smirks.

Aether wraps his hands around Xiao's waist.
"Thanks, Xiao."
He says, Xiao bobbed his head.

"The fashion show is in a couple of weeks. I don't have time for him to text me back. I'm going to go see Ajax."
I said, getting up.

"What if we escort you?"
Xiao asked, Aether nodded in awe.
"Yes, I agree let's do it!"

I watched as the two went back and forth. I noticed Xiao is more quiet and observant while Aether is loud and a fucking dumbass.

"Alright, you guys drop me at uhh."
I paused, I was unaware of where he lived.

Xiao cleared his throat.

"Yes, he lives in a condo. Let's go."
I say happily.


I was loaded in the backseat of Xiao's Tesla.
Aether was holding Xiao's hand while Xiao drove.

I recollected my thoughts, first, I tell Ajax I'm sorry. Second I explain my side of the story. Third, we make up and this whole thing blows over.

The idea made sense in my head. It's the best choice anyway.
The car made a stop, in front of what I assume is Childe's condo.

"His condo should be on the tenth floor."
Xiao specified.

"We'll be in the parking lot, hit us up."
Aether smirks, rolling up the window and driving towards the parking lot.

I nodded my head and began to make my way into the building.
The security was surprisingly lenient. I just walked into the elevator.
I pushed the number 10 and ascended upwards.

I hopped off the elevator. Landing on my two feet this time.
I progressed looking through the numbers and names on the doors.

On one of the doors I saw, "Tartaglia, Ajax."

I assumed that was his room so I knocked.
It was quiet for a bit, before I saw Signora open the door. Her usual tall, scary, womanly, features were present.

Her mouth curved into a crescent shape.
"Are you looking for Childe?"
She asks, raising a brow.
She was wearing one of his t-shirts.

I tried to not tear up. I understand the feelings he had.
"I was but if he's busy they I can take my leave."

I said, turning away. I could feel her smug expression. I really hate her with all my being. If this is Tartaglia's way of telling me we're over then fine. We weren't even together.

I won't cry. Don't cry. Do not cry.
I glanced back at her, smiling sassily before walking towards the elevator.

I got in and pressed ground floor. The last thing I saw was Signora's smug face in Childe's shirt.
Small tears began to fall from my eyes. Karma hurts.


"Lumine, it's alright...maybe-"
Aether shouted from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Shut up Aether."
I say into the deflated pillow.

"Xiao made his special almond tofu..Want to come out? We can watch movies? I can kick out Xiao-"
Aether yelled.

"Don't kick out Xiao, all he does is shower us with affection."
I responded.

"Thanks Lumine!"
I hear Xiao yell from the kitchen.

My head sinks further into my pillow.
I should have known, this is my fault.
All my fault.

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