Hello Anyone home?

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Let's get to know each other, Hello, I'm Evelyn Lets just say,um yea IM IN LOVE WITH HARRY STYLES!I'm Harry styles's number one stalker. Hi,nice to meet you.My number one goal is that one day I will marry Harry Styles.Ok now that we got that out of the way let's start. This is how I'm going to make that happen. Harry goes to the gym on Wednesday at 3:00pm so after his workout he goes out for lunch and then Imma kidnap him. Let see how this goes.....
*time skip*

"huh,where am I?"harry as confusingly as he wakes up from being unconscious. He's tied to a chair, I don't want him to escape."Um" I try to think of something believable to say." I'm your....um your new...." I couldn't think of anything."future wife" I mutter." Excuse me?"Harry asked. " oh,nothing" I responded smiling really wide.

"Who are you and why am I here" he asked me. I started to panic and knocked him out."oh shit!" I stand back scared." I knocked out Harry styles" I whisper in shock.

I ran up to my room, and text my friend Sam.
Me: Sam
Me: Sam
Me: Sam!!!
Me:Answer meeeeee it's important!!
Sam: Yo! You woke me up!
Me: it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon
Me: never mind, guess what?!!!!
Sam: you got a life?!:) jk what happen
Me: goal number one complete!!!
Sam: You bought a wolf?!!!!!
Me: no lol that's goal number two
Sam: oh, then what's goal one?
Me: I may have or may not...kidnapped Harry Styles
Sam: Nah, Evy stop playing!!!
Me: I'm not kidding
Sam: oh snap!!!
Me: he's in my basement, I accidentally knocked him out, I panicked
Sam: You grew up so fast, child, I'm so proud :')
Me: I'm thirteen days older than you
Sam: whatever don't ruin the moment :)
Sam: ttyl I have to go somewhere
Me: lol ok, ttyl
Sam: byeeeeeee :)

I turn off my phone and walk downstairs. I check down at the basement, Harry is sill unconscious on the chair. Wow he looks so cute when he sleeps. Wow I sound like a stalker! All of a sudden the door bell rings. I walk towards the door and open it." Move!!!" Sam yells and runs in." What's up" I laugh." I need to see if it was true" she said." About what" I ask."you kidnapping Harry" she said."oh, yeah follow me" I said like a child. We walked downstairs to the basement. " are you ready to see the love of my life" I asked her. She nods. I open the door and walk in." Oh my god!!" She screams, I quickly put my hand over her mouth."shhh you're gonna wake him up" I whisper." Sorry, oh my god I never thought you had it in you" she said shocked."me neither, but one day, I saw my opportunity and went for it" I shrugged." Ok tell me everything" she pulls me out of the room, into the living room. We sat on the couch with an ice pop." Ok so this is how it went" I started.

" thank you" I said to the cashshier after I pay for my lunch. As I'm walking out of the restaurant, I see something that stops me in my tracks. I rub my eyes to see if what I saw was true. Harry styles eating lunch literally 10feet away from me. I see the guard walking away. Here's my chance. I run up to him and punched him till he was unconscious. I pull him out of the room as I could, so no one would see me. I put him In the back seat of my car and drove home as fast as I could.

" omg Harry why are you so heavyyyy" I groan as I drag his unconscious body inside my house.

Once I got to the stairs leading to the basement, I stopped." How am I suppose to do this?" I asked myself. I drag him down, his head bumped against each step as I go down."sorry" I whisper as he hits his head against the stairs. I tied him in a chair and waited for him to wake up.

*end of flashback*

"Wow" Sam said fascinated. I laugh quietly."We should tweet this on Twitter" she said."noooooo" I snatch her phone and throw it across the room." Hey! My phone" she screams." Sorry but you can't tell anyone, I don't want his career to be affected" I said."wow, even though you just kidnapped a celebrity, you still care about his career" she said."yeah" I nod.

Re-write of the first chapter done!!!!!! Hope you like it!!!!

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