She's back!

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Harry went to the police and showed them the tape. " I can't believe it " cal said. " she's back, but why" I said. "maybe she wants her revenge" Sam said. "like no one will break into a house and put me in a bed in between you and Harry, who knows what you guys did" Sam continued. "True" cal said. " the police said that they will take it from there" Harry said. " and they took and closer look and it was her.........Taylor" he continued. " wait the same Taylor that you were engaged too that you stopped the wedding because you had feeling for another girl" cal said. " so yea basically she probably wants revenge on you because you caused Harry not to marry her" Sam said to me. "no, she didn't cause me not to marry Taylor, I didn't marry Taylor because I'm the one that fell in love with her and not Taylor"harry said. "why aren't you saying anything about this" cal asked me. " she's scared,whenever she is scared she breaks down" Sam said. " what if she is here to get revenge on me by killing me" I said. harry put his arms around me and said, " don't worry I'm not letting no one lay a hand on you". " I can't believe I'm saying this but, we have to stick together, if she wants to get you she'll have to get through us first. unless she has gun, then you are on your own" Sam said. " don't listen to the last part she said, we are with your till the end" cal said. we all hug and a police officer drove us home to be safe. harry hired a security guard to guard us just in case Taylor wants to do something to us. this means war.


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