You cant die

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We arrive at the hospital, the doctors won't let us go in and see Harry. Samantha and I were sitting In the waiting room, Calum and Luke come to comfort us. "guys........what if........harry just.....dies" I said with watery eyes, I could barely even talk." don't say that,he will survive" Luke says pulling me into a hug. the doctor came into the waiting room saying" family or friends of Harry Edward styles" " right here" Calum said. " can we come in and see Harry now?" Samantha asked the doctor. "yes but two at a time, he is still recovering"the doctor said."why don't u and Samantha go first" Calum said. "ok" I said. Samantha and I walk in and see Harry with a bunch of wires and machines attached to him." he was beaten up, at first he was drugged by some crazy fan just so she can make out with him, then that crazy girl's boyfriend came and beat him up with a metal pipe. he was bleeding intensively" the doctor came in and said to us. " but will he live" I asked. " well...... there is a 45% chance that he will not, as you can see here he was beaten up real hard, and these fractures may lead to him not being able to survive" he continued. tears started running down my face, I couldn't hold them in much longer. " I told you Harry didn't cheat on you, that was not something Harry would do" Samantha said trying to calm me down." it does matter now.......harry could die" I began to cry again. I walk towards Harry and sit in a chair next to his bed and held his hand. "Harry you can't die on me, please don't leave me......please....." I whispered next to him, as tears came run down my face.
" Time to leave ,Harry has to recover" doctor said. "ok we would be right out"
I turn back at Harry, he is still unconscious. I walk towards him and kissed his forehead.and whispered," please don't die on me....." Sam pulled me away and we walk towards the door. I open the door but before leaving I look back at Harry and a tear came down my face,then I left.

A/n ~ Srry for the long wait, I've been really tired.I had test almost the whole week,insanity0027 and i_051302 know what I'm talking about.

So plz



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