Happy birthday part 2

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Harry and I still kissing, I pull back and say " Harry don't you have a one d interview today?" "Oh yea I forgot, all be back in 2hours" he says then kisses my cheek. I did that so I can prepare his surprise party. I get on the phone and call his mom and friends, including the 5sos members and Hollywood undead(real band by the way) and we start decorating my house. I make a cake that has 4 layers cuz Harry loves cake his favorite flavor is chocolate.
1 hour later

The one d members leave the interview early and left Harry at the studio with Niall so he can bring him when the party is ready. we hide as we see two headlights pulling in from outside the window and Liam screams " he's here, everybody hide!!!!everyone hides as I turn off the lights.
Harry walks in saying " hey babe are u home, why r the lights off" he turns on the lights and everyone yells "SURPRISE,HARRY" his mom came running up to him and kisses his cheek. we sit had some cake and had fun

3hours later

We say goodbye to the guest. I start to clean up the mess. "that was really sweet of you to do that...... you are the best girlfriend anyone can ever have." Harry says walking up to me and kissing my forehead. " I did it to return what you did to me" I said. " what did I do?" He asked so confused not knowing what he did. " ........you......changed my life" I said. " how?" He asked. " just for being alive and coming into my life" I said. He blushes and kisses me.
I go and shower and when I walked into my room there were candles and rose pedals on the bed. I asked " Harry what's going on" " come lay down" he says. " I lay down and we start talking, then he kissed me and soon started going down my neck. there were no spaces between us. his lips were soft against my neck. He takes his shirt off and his muscles were big and sexy, my hands on his chest and his hands on the curves of my hips. we realize we should stop kissing before anything gets to intense. He agrees and lays back down next to me, we smile and we fall asleep.

~how do u like the chapter so far, btw I should suggest you vote and leave comment if u don't want this story to end. Im gonna end it soon since not many people r voting. plz vote and comment. Byeeeeeeeeeeee😆😄😆😄😆😄😆😄

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