Gno(girls night over)

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It's the next day, me and Luke haven't spoken to each other since the kiss. Harry is back. The kiss wasn't my fault it was dark. Anyways today is the day they go on tour. As the guys get ready me and Sam text all our friends from high school to hang out with us. we texted Isabel, jocie, and Anna and yessi but yessi couldn't make it. " ok guys we're leaving" calum yelled from downstairs. as soon as we heard him say that we ran downstairs to say goodbye.sam and cal started to hug and kiss. I hugged Harry and he put his lips against mine. after that I hugged calum and then I hugged Luke and gave him a FRIENDLY kiss on the cheek, he started blushing. Harry looked at him weird. " bye Imma miss you guys!"i said. "calum dont get too close to fan girls!" Sam yelled out. "Luke stay cool" I said to Luke. "byee" they all said and they took of in the tour bus. we went inside and waited for the girls to arrive.

1hour later-

*doorbell rings*
" I got it" I said. "hiiiiiiiii" Anna said hugging me and Sam together. "hi guys come in" Sam said.since they are staying with us until the guys came back they brought small suitcases. ok so let me tell u about each of them-

Isabel- she is really funny and crazy. she is the girly one of the group, she likes pink, dresses and basically likes fashion. she has her hair in. A bun and has a choker necklace. her favorite color is green and she has a black and white cat named lily.

Jocie- jocie is the short Mexican one in the group, she is really funny and crazy but sometimes a little dirty minded. She is really fun but get too close she may grab something.

Anna- this one is let's just say BOY CRAZY she likes boys basically. whenever she sees chatting Tatum shirtless she hyperventilates. It's Hilarious. she is fun and crazy but sometimes a little too crazy. She loves food.whenever Sam is mad or sad and tells people to leave her alone, me and Anna never listen. we Always find a way to talk to her anyway.

Now that you know them. let the fun begin. " girls night today" Anna said. Anna went to get kitchen and started to make a whole dish. " ooh thanks for the snacks"jocie said reaching for a piece but Anna slapped her hand. " this ain't for you its for me" she said siting on the couch eating her food. we all started laughing.


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