Harry says......

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"Well,are you gonna tell me or what?you are wasting me and Calum time"Sam says, she has no patience. "Ok ok" Harry says, looking around to see if anyone is around. I listen in to the voice recorder closely and tried to listen to what they were saying. but there was one problem." shit!" I said. "what happened" Calum asked. "Sam's phone died,she never charges it. she just waits five minutes until it has some charge and then takes it off" I said. "she is inpatient" Calum said chuckling. " Why you laughing now we can't listen to what they are saying" I said so pissed off. " Come on let me take you home, before you do something crazy" he said. and I punched his arm.
~Harry and Sam's convo
" Ok so you see it her birthday on Sunday and I want to throw her a surprise party. something amazing like the one she did for me, you know her better than me.... what does she like?since you're her closes friend" he said.
" Um well first of all, that's sweet what your doing for her" Sam said with a wink. " this is what she would like for a party...... BVB to perform at her party, a black theme, she would like Andy biersack to be there and also Pete wentz and she would like a batman cake" she said. " I'm asking you what SHE would want in a birthday party not you" he said. Disappointedly she said," ugh fine" "but just for future reference that what I want" she said with a wink. Harry didn't say anything he just gave her a look that looked like this (😒). "anyways what does she want!"harry snapped. " alright alright don't get your panties in a bunch" she said " she likes wolves, you of course....um....... her fav color is blue and black so make sure to add that in, she lovess animals so do I.... just saying, and for a band to perform maybe one d aka your band or 5sos my boyfriends band (😉) so yea that's what she likes...... oh and Hollywood undead
She loves Danny Murillo you may have some competition on your hands" she said. " ok thanks I have some ideas, so let's keep this to ourselves,swear that you won't say a soul" Harry says. " I never swear on anything but ok whatever" Sam said. " so can we go back to her house i want to be with Cal" she said. " ok, i miss my girlfriend too" he said. " Calum is more important" she said. " whatever lets go" Harry says and they walk back to the house.

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