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I was listening to music when my phone vibrated. I got a text message, it was an unknown caller.

Unknown: hi how've u been, long time no see

Me:who is this

Unknown:don't u remember me, lukey the cookie

Me: Luke 😃I haven't seen u since middle school

Me:how r u

Unknown: well I'm fine. And u ?

Me: I'm fine, I'm still srry bout what happened 4 years ago

I changed the contact name to "Luke"

Luke: don't be, I'm ok

Me: I completely shut u down when u asked me to prom

Me :srry

Luke:it's ok, don't make urself feel bad

Me: how can I make it up to u

Luke: don't worry about it

Me: again I'm really sorry

Luke: can I ask u something

Me: yea sure

Luke: remember how we both liked each other in third grade and we dated until like the 7th grade

Me :yea *blushing

Luke: well... I still like you

Me: really?

Luke: yea I never liked anyone but you

Me: .......

Luke: calum gave me your address, can I come over

Me: yea sure

Luke: great I'll be over there in half and hour

Me: ok bye

Luke: bye

Luke is coming over. idk what to do. Harry and Luke together. what if Harry gets jealous, or Luke gets mad.
Omfg what do I do(I think to myself, I'm blanked out)

" Hey, u ok" Harry says snapping his fingers to snap me out of the thought. " are you ok" he says when I finally snap back to life. " yea I was just thinking of something" I said. "oh is everything alright" he asked. " yea " I said.

20mins later-
Doorbell rings*
I open the door and Luke came in and we hugged for a long time

"Um who is this" Harry asked sounding a little jealous.
"Ummm this was my ex boyfriend, Luke " I said awkwardly. " Um hi" Harry said with a anger in his voice." hi" Luke said back. " hey you want to hang out tonight" Luke said to me. " um, where do u want to take her exactly" Harry said still kind of jealous. " who are you to ask" Luke said, tired of Harry being mad. "I'm her boyfriend" Harry said. "you have a boyfriend now" Luke asked me. "... yea" I said.but I got so tensed and ran out the door. Luke and Harry ran out behind me calling my name but I kept running and finally lost them.

You and I Harry•Harry styles•(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now