How the fuck did i get here

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" What are you doing in my bed" Harry said. "Good morning Calum " Sam said hugging me. " get the fuck off me!" I said. "what the- you're not Calum!" Sam said. "what am I doing here..... Ewww did you gives have it while I was here" Sam said. " first of all we have never done it and second we need to find out how the fuck did u get in here"i said. " hey guys have you seen Sam she wasn't in be--d" Calum walked in and found Sam in my bed." woah three some" cal said joking around. " oh hell no" I said jumping out of the bed. " wait I know how to know what happened....... the Camara" Harry said. " camara?" Cal and Sam said. "oh yea" I said. " it recorded everything that happened last night" Harry said.



Imma update Tommorow

Peace out

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